Post Implementation Review using Project Management Templates
Happy New Year Project Management Templates User! Now that you have delivered a suite of projects in the prior year, its probably time to review the past perform of each project initiative. By reviewing the performance of each project undertaken, you will not only identify what it was that determined it’s level of success, but you will also learn valuable lessons for undertaking projects this year, in 2006. To help you do this, we have listed: 5 Steps to Performing a Post Implementation Review using Project Management Templates and Project Management Software You may have heard of the term PIR? Basically, a Post Implementation Review (or “PIR”) is the term used to describe a formal review of a project, after it has been completed and formally closed. The purpose of a PIR is twofold: to review its actual level of success, and to gain valuable lessons learned for future projects. First, you will need to review the overall performance of the project, to determine whether it has delivered...