
Showing posts from December, 2006

Post Implementation Review using Project Management Templates

Happy New Year Project Management Templates User! Now that you have delivered a suite of projects in the prior year, its probably time to review the past perform of each project initiative. By reviewing the performance of each project undertaken, you will not only identify what it was that determined it’s level of success, but you will also learn valuable lessons for undertaking projects this year, in 2006. To help you do this, we have listed: 5 Steps to Performing a Post Implementation Review using Project Management Templates and Project Management Software You may have heard of the term PIR? Basically, a Post Implementation Review (or “PIR”) is the term used to describe a formal review of a project, after it has been completed and formally closed. The purpose of a PIR is twofold: to review its actual level of success, and to gain valuable lessons learned for future projects. First, you will need to review the overall performance of the project, to determine whether it has delivered...

Upgrades for Project Management Process

Quick Upgrades of Project Management Process & Changeable Tabs Client Request: I want to be able to upgrade to new versions of the project management process through the click of a single button. Support Team Response: This is a good idea, but not as easy as it might seem. As with Microsoft, Adobe and other applications, you typically need to uninstall the current version first and then install the new versions from scratch. The advantage of this process is that it removes all of the current application files from your PC first, avoiding any potential file conflict errors. MPMM project management process follows the same best practice approach. However we are investigating ways to be able to download patch releases through the settings tab, so that they can be installed automatically if required, a little like “Microsoft Windows Update” services works. This feature could potentially be released in Version 4.0 Client Request: When will I be able to move pages between tabs through...

MPMM Project Management Methodology & Terminal Services

MPMM Project Management Methodology & Terminal Services Q: We are running our computers in a terminal server environment. Do you have a special installation for a terminal server or can many people access it at the same time? Do we require more than one licence of this project management tools methodology to allow many people to access the software? A: Thanks for your enquiry. MPMM project management methodology hasn't been tested in a terminal services environment. Although it is quite likely that it will function in such an environment quite happily, you would need to purchase a multi-user license for multiple user accesses. If you do purchase a multi-user license, you will get a substantial discount on the per user licenses, as advertised on our shopping cart. Our lastest release is our Online Project Management Software . The MPMM Support Team

Edit your Project Management Life Cycle

Latest Release Feature in your Project Management Life Cycle Within MPMM Professional, you can now edit your project management life cycle “on the fly”. In addition to creating a suite of project management life cycle within MPMM, you can edit each methodology as you undertake projects. For instance, say you improve a project management process or create a new project management template during the life of a project. Why wait until the project has been completed, before updating it in MPMM? Simply open the Methodology Manager and edit the online project management process or template page as you go. In this way, your project management methodology is a living document. Instead of sitting on the shelf collecting dust, it’s being used as your single source of project management knowledge. As you complete projects and gain learning from staff, why not record this learning in the Case Study section? By documenting your learning from projects, you can create a suite of valuable knowledge...

Printing your Project Management Methodologies

Tip on Printing your Project Management Methodologies … Have you wondered how you should best print the MPMM project management methodology ? To enable you to use the MPMM project management methodologies in printed form, we have added a Print button, which is displayed on the top right hand corner of the Educational, Standard and Professional editions. You can print any page within MPMM, to your local printer. Before you print a page, we suggest that you access the Settings panel (through the Settings button on the top right) and click “Page Setup”. This will enable you to choose your paper size, source, header, footer and other printing options. When you chose these options, they will be saved generically for all printing activities. Then go to the page that you wish to print and select the print button. You will then be able to choose your printer and set your preferences. Try these Project Management Tools or this Project Management Software . The MPMM Support Team

Trial Downloads Project Management Process

Trial Downloads for your MPMM  Project Management Process Q: Hi. I have tried to download the free trial edition of MPMM project management process , but my download was blocked. What can I do to get around this? A: Thank you for your question. If there was an error displayed, then please email it to us. Most download errors result from either having a slow internet connection (in which the connection times out), having your firewall settings set too high (which prevents you from downloading large files over the internet) or from a problem with our server hosting. The easiest way around the problem is to try and download the trial edition of the MPMM project management process from another PC, or reduce your internet security settings (using the “Tools, Internet Options, Security” feature) temporarily to allow the file to come through. If that doesn’t work, then please email us and we will investigate it with our hosting company. Our website experiences thousands of downloads per week,...

Project Management Methodology in Trial Edition

Project Management Methodology in Trial Edition Q: Dear support, are there any samples of the templates I can possibly view. Having already bought the Method123 project management methodology and being surprised at the level of depth they had, I’d like to find out more about the templates included in MPMM project management methodology . Can you help me? A: Thank you for your question. Due to popular demand, we have decided to make more of the templates and lifecycle pages available in the trial edition of MPMM project management methodology . Please download the latest trial edition from our site and you’ll be able to access 3 popular project management templates, as well as all of the online project management methodology content. We’ve also extended the trial period for all users. The MPMM Support Team

Backing up a Project Management Life Cycle

Did you know that with a Project Management Life Cycle you can… That you can backup and restore MPMM content? This feature is provided in the MPMM Professional Edition, as it allows you to backup the project management life cycle customizations that you’ve made to your product. When you use MPMM Professional to create new project management life cycle , add your own existing project management life cycle or customize the existing MPMM project management life cycle, it stores unique data in your methodology project management software . This unique data should be backed up from time to time, so that if you ever have a problem with your MPMM installation, accidentally make changes that you didn’t plan to or replace your Pc, then you can restore your MPMM data to your new installation. To backup and restore your methodologies, select the “Settings” panel (using the Settings button on the top right hand side) and use the “Backup MPMM Data” and “Restore MPMM Data” buttons. Make sure that...

Efficient Project Closure with Project Management Tools

Efficient Project Closure with Project Management Tools Merry Christmas! We’ve received lots of requests from customers wanting us to explain how to complete the Project Closure phase quickly and efficiently. So in this edition, we’ve described: How to close projects quickly and efficiently using our project management tools Once all the deliverables within a project have been completed and approved by the customer, the project is ready for closure. Closing a project is a task not to be under-rated, as it requires the review of the entire project to date and the completion of a comprehensive set of closure actions. Take the following steps to close projects quickly and efficiently. Step 1: Confirm Project Completion The first step in closing a project is to confirm that the project is ready to be closed. The project is only ready for closure when all the completion criteria specified in the Terms of Reference have been met in full. Examples of completion criteria may include: The pro...

Purchasing MPMMs Project Management Methodologies

Upgrade Refunds for Project Management Methodologies Q: Dear Sales, I purchased the Method123 project management template package and I’m interested in the 7 days offer to upgrade to MPMM project management methodologies with a refund of 100% of my Method123 purchase. Can you please confirm the details by return? I’m very interested in moving forward with the offer. Thanks in advance. A: This is certainly correct. What you do is purchase the MPMM project management methodologies - Standard or Professional (the offer does not apply to the Education version) and email us with the details of both this and your earlier purchase. Once these details have been received and confirmed, the refund is done by reversing the charges on the credit card used for your original purchase. As such the refund will appear on that credit card account as a credit. Also try this Project Management Software . The MPMM Support Team

Create your Own Project Management Process

Latest Release Feature - Create your Own Project Management Process In the latest edition of MPMM Professional, you can create a brand new project management process for your projects. Within this project management process , you can create a suite of methodology content pages, processes and online project management activities. You can then either create the content for each page in your new project methodology from scratch, copy it from the MPMM project management process or upload it from your in-house methodology used for projects. Once you have entered, copied or uploaded your content into each methodology page, you can link these pages together to create a single project management process. This process along with project management templates and case studies created within your new methodology, form a complete methodology for projects. By creating a brand new project management process in MPMM, you can ensure that you implement project management processes which perfectly fit...

Page Summary Panel in your Project Management Methodology

Tip - Page Summary Panel in your Project Management Methodology … So what is the “Page Summary” panel all about? When the page summary presents a summarized description of the page you are viewing. Every unique page within MPMM project management methodology has a unique description which tells you what the purpose of the page is and what is included within it. There is such a large volume of content included within MPMM project management methodology , that it is worth reading the Summary Panel to find out what the page is about and when it will be useful to you. With over 1,000 content pages, charts, tables and practical examples, the Page Summary panel is the easiest way to find out whether the page currently displayed in the centre “Display Panel” is the page that you are looking for. If you are a Professional Edition user, then you can actually customize the content that is displayed in the Page Summary panel. Either create a duplicate of MPMM (to enable you to edit it) or open yo...

Project Management Life Cycle Tabs

Renaming Project Management Life Cycle Tabs Client Request: I would like to be able to rename the tabs (such as “Lifecycle”, “Templates” and “ Case Studies ” included within MPMM project management life cycle . Support Team Response: This is a great idea. When you load the MPMM project management life cycle , we will make it so that each of the tabs across the top are customizable.  You will be able to rename tabs, create new tabs and delete tabs. This feature will be released with Version 4.0 Client Request: Can you please add an “Undo” button to the Methodology Project Manager, in case I make a mistake when creating a new Project Management Life Cycle ? Support Team Response: Yes we will add this to the Version 4 release of the project management life cycle as well. It is actually quite a complicated feature to add, as there are a range of actions that you can perform in MPMM that you may wish to Undo. For instance, you may wish to “undo” the deletion of a page, removal of a method...

Reselling MPMM Project Management Methodologies

Reselling Project Management Methodologies Q: Hi. I have experience in project management in the oil industry. Now I’m a retired Project Manager and I have teamed up with some ex-associates to form a new company. We would like to know if we can represent you and market your products in our country. Can you please tell us how we can do this? A: Thank you for your request. You have two options available. Firstly, you can join our affiliate program. If you have a website then you can add a link from your website to ours and get a commission on any sales generated. And secondly, we have recently released our Reseller Program, under which you can resell MPMM project management methodologies licenses and make a profit on the resulting sales. You can also offer services in addition to product licenses, so that you can boost your consulting and training services revenue. If you are interested in reselling the MPMM project management methodologies , then check out our Reseller Program. Q: We’r...

Navigating a Project Management Process

How to Navigate MPMM Project Management Process ? Did you know… That there are a variety of ways that you can navigate MPMM project management process ? This project management process includes thousands of content pages, charts, tables, templates, forms, processes and practical examples. To help you to navigate the content quickly and easily, we have added a suite of navigation features. These features help you to get to the content that you need to access quickly and easily. The most popular way of accessing the variety of content included within MPMM, is to use the navigation tabs at the top of the product. In the MPMM Professional edition, these tabs are titled, “Starting Off”, “ Lifecycle ”, “Templates” and “Business Case”. You can select either of these tabs, to navigate to the respective content of this project management process . You can also use the navigation panel on the left hand side, to navigate to the respective content pages within each project management topic. For in...

Project Management Methodology Template Samples

Project Management Methodology Samples Q: Dear support, are there any samples of the templates I can possibly view. Having already bought the Method123 project management methodology templates and being surprised at the level of depth they had, I would like to find out more about the project management methodology templates included in MPMM. Can you help me? A: Thank you for your question. Due to popular request, we have decided to make more of the project management templates and lifecycle pages available in the trial edition. Please download the latest trial edition from our site and you will be able to access 3 popular online project management templates, as well as all of the project management methodology content. We have also extended the trial period for all users. The MPMM Support Team

Latest Release Feature for Project Management Life Cycle

Latest Release Feature - Project Management Life Cycle In the MPMM Version 3.0 release from 1 December 2006, we have included a suite of major new functionality. You can now create and customize as many project management life cycle as you wish, as well as create duplicates of the MPMM project management life cycle itself. This is the first truly customizable project management life cycle on the market that we are aware of, so we hope that by providing you with these features that you find them useful. Please tell us what you think of Version 4 by emailing us at In this latest release, you can create new project management life cycles , customize the MPMM project management life cycle, upload your own project management life cycle, add new methodology pages and create and edit your own page content. You can also upload and edit your own online project management templates, along with the project management templates already provided within MPMM. The MPMM Support Team

Project Management Methodologies Related Topics Panel

Tip on Project Management Methodologies … Did you wonder what the “Related Topics” panel was for on the left hand side of MPMM? In this panel, we list each of the topics that are related to the page that you are currently viewing in the primary Display Panel. So for instance, say you were reading about the Business Case Template, by clicking on the “ Templates ” tab and then selecting “Business Case” in the navigation panel on the left hand side. The Related Topics panel would display the pages that are directly related to the Business Case page template you are reading about, In the example of an MPMM Professional Edition user, there would be two items displayed – the Business Case lifecycle page (which tells you how to create a Business Case) and the Business Case “case study” which provides a practical example for implementing a business case). If you are using the MPMM Professional edition , then you can choose which topics are displayed here. Simply duplicate the MPMM Project Mana...

Project Management Process Editor

Project Management Process Editor Client Request: The MPMM project management process Editor is pretty good as far as editors go, but it's not as good as Microsoft Word. There are a few features that would be great for your to add, such as around working with tables and images. Support Team Response: Yes you are correct. The Editor included within MPMM project management process is the best HTML editor we could find. So why do we use an HTML editor in the first place? It is because the pages that you view are actually HTML pages. By using HTML, you can view the project management process content in a much higher quality than standard Microsoft Word or Excel format. The advantage is that that pages look great, they are crisp and clear and you can more easily navigate through the toolset, using a wide variety of navigation features. To allow you to edit the pages displayed in MPMM, we have included an HTML editor for you. Although we have included the best editor on the market, it...

How to use MPMM Project Management Methodology Templates

How to use MPMM Project Management Methodology Templates Q: Can I export the project management methodology templates? A: Yes, you can export all of the templates which come with the Standard and Professional editions. By selecting the "Export" button in the top right hand corner, you can export the templates into Microsoft Word and Excel. Q: Why do the project management methodology templates look slightly different when exported? A: When you view the templates within MPMM, they are presented to you in HTML format. Whereas when you export the templates into Microsoft Office, you will view them in Word and Excel format. The 2 formats are slightly different, hence the slight variations in styles. Q: Can I upload my own project management methodology templates? A: In the Professional edition of MPMM, you can now upload your templates, forms, project office checklist and project logs. You can also use MPMM to organize your templates, link them to your project processes and eve...

Project Management Life Cycle Editions

The Difference Between Project Management Life Cycle Editions On the product management products page, we describe the differences between the various editions of MPMM project management life cycle editions . However let us explain it in a little further details here: MPMM® Educational Edition. This edition includes the core basic project management life cycle . It does not have any of the templates , case studies or customizable features, as it’s primarily targeted at Lecturers and Students. A large amount of content is provided, so it’s great value for Educational Institutions as they can present the content in lectures and install multi-user licenses in labs. MPMM® Standard Edition. This edition includes everything the Educational edition has, plus it has more content and a set of templates. You can open the templates using Microsoft Office and use them to create project deliverables faster than before. This edition is suitable for small-to-medium sized projects, based on the cont...

New Project Management Methodologies Feature

New Project Management Methodologies Feature Request: Can you please add an "Undo" button to the Methodology Manager to project management metholodologies, to help me undo any mistakes I make? Answer: Yes definitely, this is a good idea. We have added it to the product road map. Request: When can I have a server version? Answer: We will work on a server version in 2007. Certainly within 12 months, a proper server version will be available. We will probably release it on the Microsoft server platform and allow users with windows servers such as NT+ to be able to operate MPMM project management methodologies in a shared multi-user environment. Request: When upgrading, I'd like to be able to hit an "upgrade" button from the settings tab - is this possible? Answer: Yes we already have this one planned for an interim release in this project management methodologies , by March 2007. Have any feature requests for our project management software ? Email us at support@...

Project Management Life Cycle Process Standards

Project Management Life Cycle Process Standards Want to know what we've got in store for you for 2007? Over the next 12 months, we want to upgrade the product to include each of the worldwide project management standards. You will be able to select a project management life cycle standard such as the PMBOK or Prince2 and navigate to it within MPMM. We're currently licensing the products to include within MPMM and we hope to have the integration project complete by June 2007. This will be the first time that such project management life cycle standards have been incorporated within a full project management methodology. We're also considering becoming a "Registered Educational Partner" (REP) with the Project Management Institute, to enable our partners to take project management training courses in PMI and MPMM. By aligning with the worldwide standard for online project management , we hope to take MPMM to new levels - and become the "super-methodology" ...

Project Management Methodologies Help and Tutorial

Project Management Methodologies Help and Tutorial Following several customer requests, we have upgraded our Help and Tutorial pages for the MPMM Professional Edition . Within this project management software, users can now read the following Help Topics: How to use MPMM project management methodologies How to customize MPMM project management methodologies How to create a new project management methodologies How to create and edit pages How to upload your existing project management methodologies Importing and Exporting templates Managing your methodologies We have also added a suite of new project management life cycle tutorials, each explaining how to use MPMM to perform a specific project management role. The following project management tutorials have been added: Tutorial for Project Managers Tutorial for Senior Managers Tutorial for PMO Managers Tutorial for team members Tutorial for consultants Tutorial for trainers If you have any further ideas on ho...

Sharing the Project Mangement Process

Project Management Process Sharing Would you like to be able to share a  project management process with others in your team, your clients or business partners? With the latest version of MPMM (Version 3.0), you can easily share a  project management process with others. By using the "Export" and "Import" features, you can export and import methodologies into and out of MPMM itself. So how should you use this feature? Any new project management process you create, can easily be shared with others. Create and brand your own methodology, then use the "export" feature to export the methodology you have created, into an external file. You can then send this file to other licensed users, for them to "import" into their installation of MPMM. Exporting and Importing methodologies is quick, easy and makes the product extremely flexible. We believe that MPMM is the only project management process which allows users to export, import and share project ma...

Business Case and Project Management Templates

Writing a Business Case with Project Management Templates We all know that successful Project Management is about delivering projects on time, within budget and to specification. But what many forget is that it’s also important to deliver the business benefits to the customer. If your projects do not result in the stated business benefits, then your customer will not gain the return on investment expected, thereby affecting the level of success of your project. So how do you ensure that your projects consistently deliver the stated business benefits to your customer? You can do this, by creating a “Business Case” using online project management templates for each project. Its purpose is to justify the initiation of the project and to clearly specify upfront, the business benefits to be delivered. In this newsletter, we’ll explain how to: Create a Business Case using Project Management Templates in 4 easy steps... The first step when creating a Business Case using project management t...

Customizations with the Project Management Life Cycle

Customizations with the Project Management Life Cycle Request: When will I be able to create a customized project management life cycle for my projects? Answer: You can create a customized project management life cycle now, with the release of MPMM project management methodology Version 3.0 last weekend. Request: Can we please have it so that I can get to the PMBOK from within MPMM project management life cycle Answer: Yes, we plan to release this within MPMM Version 4.0 online project management . Request: When is the next version of MPMM project management methodology due out? Answer: It is due out by 31 March 2007 The MPMM Support Team

MPMM Project Management Methodologies Top Goals - 2007

MPMM Project Management Methodologies Top Goals - 2007 Wonder what we have in store for you in 2007? Rather than keep it a secret, we thought we'd tell you about our top goals for 2007 right here: 1. New Product Reseller Program 2. Create Business Partner Program 3. License the PMBOK & include in MPMM project managment methodologies 4. License Prince2 & include in MPMM project management methodologies 5. Build a Community Website for PMs 6. Add Microsoft Project, workflow and document management features to MPMM project management methodologies 7. Create a Template Generator to help you create new project managment templates quickly 8. Implement MPMM project management methodologies in universities around the world 9. Release 10. Release 11. Release Whew! We have a lot planned for 2007, so if you have thoughts and ideas on how we can make these challenges a success, then please email us, we'd love to hear from you. The MPMM Supp...

Project Management Process Version 3.0 Released

Project Management Process Version 3.0 Released We have just released a major new version of MPMM project management process Professional! If you are an existing MPMM Professional customer, you can upgrade to MPMM project management process Version 3.0 for free! The latest version includes the "Methodology Manager" toolkit which enables you to: Add multiple new methodologies Customize the MPMM project management process Create multiple customized methodologies Upload your existing project management process Add your existing project management templates Edit all MPMM content and terminology Share methodologies with your colleagues. So if you want to create a customized methodology for your projects, then upgrade to Version 3 of this project management process by installing the new Trial Edition and entering your License Serial Number. Click here to Trial this Online Project Management now... The MPMM Support Team

Project Management Life Cycle for Consultants

Project Management Life Cycle for Consultants Q: As a consultant, how can I use MPMM to help me grow my consulting practice? A: The latest version of MPMM, V3.0 which was released last weekend, includes a wealth of new features that help you to grow your consulting practice. By following the project management life cycle it helps you to: Market to new clients Create client proposals Formalize your client contract Manage your client projects Create client deliverables Perform reviews and audits The reason why MPMM V3 helps you to do this, is that it now includes the "Methodology Project Manager ', Using this feature, you can create and customize methodologies for your projects. In fact, you can now customize any of the content within MPMM which makes it a great project management life cycle . Q: When can I become a Reseller? A: We are currently finalizing the terms of the Reseller Program. It will be released before Christmas. The MPMM Support Team