Edit your Project Management Life Cycle

Latest Release Feature in your Project Management Life Cycle

Within MPMM Professional, you can now edit your project management life cycle “on the fly”. In addition to creating a suite of project management life cycle within MPMM, you can edit each methodology as you undertake projects.

For instance, say you improve a project management process or create a new project management template during the life of a project. Why wait until the project has been completed, before updating it in MPMM? Simply open the Methodology Manager and edit the online project management process or template page as you go. In this way, your project management methodology is a living document. Instead of sitting on the shelf collecting dust, it’s being used as your single source of project management knowledge.

As you complete projects and gain learning from staff, why not record this learning in the Case Study section? By documenting your learning from projects, you can create a suite of valuable knowledge, tips and ideas that help you to complete projects more successfully in the future.

The MPMM Support Team


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