Upgrades for Project Management Process

Quick Upgrades of Project Management Process & Changeable Tabs

Client Request:
I want to be able to upgrade to new versions of the project management process through the click of a single button.

Support Team Response:
This is a good idea, but not as easy as it might seem. As with Microsoft, Adobe and other applications, you typically need to uninstall the current version first and then install the new versions from scratch. The advantage of this process is that it removes all of the current application files from your PC first, avoiding any potential file conflict errors. MPMM project management process follows the same best practice approach. However we are investigating ways to be able to download patch releases through the settings tab, so that they can be installed automatically if required, a little like “Microsoft Windows Update” services works. This feature could potentially be released in Version 4.0

Client Request:
When will I be able to move pages between tabs through drop and drag?

Support Team Response:
We currently plan to release this feature in Version 4 'project management software'. You will be able to move content pages between any of the tabs visible in the MPMM project management process. So for instance, you will be able to move project management life cycle pages to the template tab and vice versa. You can do this now of course by opening the Methodology Manager and moving the pages manually, but we intend to make it so that you can simply drop and drag the content pages between tabs to make it easier for users.

The MPMM Support Team


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