Move into the Future with PMO

The new PMO is a project management office program that helps any business move forward into the digital age faster than most think possible. To do this in the most efficient manner possible, you must have a plan.

To place a PMO within your organization the most helpful tool is the PMO checklist. This checklist will have all of the critical systems and items on it to make sure each one is implemented correctly the first time.

To begin this installation of your PMO, you need to locate the correct position you’re new PMO team is to be based out of. This location has to have ample space and the right infrastructure both physically and with computer systems to handle the job correctly. This requires you to obtain the correct equipment for your staff to use. You should also keep in mind the future and always have room for expansion. Just enough to do the job will limit the capabilities of what you are attempting to establish.

The defining of the roles of your PMO team members is also on the check list. This should be done in the early stages so everyone will know their responsibilities and tasks that will be required of them. This increases efficiency and reduces confusion on a daily basis.

The standards and processes that your PMO team will be responsible for implementing also need to be approved by the upper management. There should be absolutely no ambiguity on this. This way your team will be producing the research material and knowledge that will win the backing of the stakeholders of this all important project.

Once your PMO team and the system they will be working on are ready to commence, then the real work begins. Your team will then be able to provide real life examples of just what project needs when they ask for reference material. They will also be able to provide the project management templates that need to be used in the project planning phase of each business opportunity.

This will all occur once you have your PMO set up correctly. This team will also make sure all of the approved standards and procedures are followed so satisfaction is guaranteed.


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