An Effective Quality Assurance Plan

The need for an effective quality assurance plan has become evident in the business world today. No longer can a business rest on their history or reliability of past performance and quality of their product. This is not the quality control plan but the foundation on which the quality control plan stands.

The quality assurance plan is the process that brings forth the level of quality in all the tasks and methods that are to be used by the quality control team. The quality assurance team is the one responsible for investigating what is the proper level of quality and where it is not being achieved within a company.

Once the correct information has been obtained the quality assurance plan can then be created to fit the needs of the company it is improving and setting the quality standards. By using the quality management templates, the plans, methods and procedures that are necessary can then be created in a logical and efficient manner.

In the quality assurance plan, there are complete and in-depth details on just what level of quality is to be reached by the manufacturing process. There is also a complete description of who is responsible for the implementation of the quality processes. This way there is no ambiguity on who and when the quality processes are to be used so the deliverable can be successful produced every time.

The purpose of the quality assurance plan is to document the process on which the set level of quality as described in the business case can be achieved and maintained. In a perfect world, this would be done with the documenting of the very first plan. Unfortunately this is very rare. The development of the quality assurance plan is a continuous process since the business environment is always changing.

Factors that can affect the quality assurance plan can include the changing of a raw material, personnel and the changing of the location where the deliverable is being produced. The constant evolution of the quality assurance plan is to help keep it relevant to the business environment in which it is to maintain the level of quality for. Without this constant change, the level of quality would eventually decline.


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