The Project Management Tool

The project management tool and its definition are growing as technological advances in software are reaching the manufacturing sectors of business. This is one of the reasons a manager is placed on salary instead of an hourly wage. Their job as a professional is never over and not limited to work being conducted at the office.

The first project management tool that was used by managers back over 100 years ago was the Gantt charts. These were useful graphical displays that helped the manager organize the tasks that were needed to be accomplished on their projects. While still in use today, they are no longer manually created since the age of the computer came into play on the business scene.

The next project management tool that was used included the project management book. This is a collection of known processes that worked successfully in the manufacturing sector to help managers produce a successful project more efficiently and on budget.

With the greater need for efficiency in the planning stage of projects due to the ever expanding global competition because of the global market, the use of project management templates exploded. This new project management tool was not really new to the managers, but their applications are.  Templates have been used to create schedules for many years but their use in the actual preparation of all the required documents for a complete project plan was severely limited.

Today, the use of templates reaches every aspect of planning a project, including the business case that starts a project rolling. After approval, the project plan along with all the supporting plans like the quality plan, risk assessment plan, and acquisition plan all can be created with a useful and professional appearing set of templates.

But like anything, the project management tool must be implemented and used correctly for it to show its true potential in the preparation of a project. Because of the ever growing sophistication of the software programming, monitoring of the project while in the execution phase is also possible.


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