Change Management Strategies

All change management strategies have three elements to them that lead to success in their implementation. These are situational awareness, support structures, and strategy analysis.

In all change management strategies, each element plays an important role. These must be considered and included for the change of a business routine, style or procedure to be properly implemented. Just hoping the change will occur without a properly devised plan is a recipe for failure.

The situational awareness of the change management strategies is basic in its approach. The management must be fully aware of all aspects of the change and who in the business it is going to impact. This must include the characteristics of the change, which include the number of people in your organization that will be affected. The organizational attributes involving the groups of people that will be affected by the change need to be understood.

The support structure for change management strategies must be defined. This has to include either the individual or team that is going to institute the actual change procedure. This has to be laid out in a plan form that lists the members and their assigned responsibility clearly. In some strategies, there is outside assistance to help with the implementation process. If this is true in your case, they have to be identified and their responsibilities included in the change management plan.

The last section of change management strategies should be the strategy analysis. This is where the risk assessment must occur. The greater the change and its impact on the work force, the greater risks that are involved in its implementation. This must be understood and solutions to mitigate these risks must be taken.

In some instances, the change management strategies will be met with resistance. This must be anticipated and then identified when it occurs. Understanding the groups that will be impacted the most with the change will give the management the insight needed to anticipate where this resistance might occur and from who.

In all instances, the change management strategies should have a formal change of management plan document in place to deal with any and all of these situations. This will allow for a smoother transition of the change and its implementation to becoming a regular business practice for future use.


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