Sample Feasibility Study Guide for Business

In a sample feasibility study, there are certain key components that should be present no matter what type of business the document is intended for. Slight variations from any sample document are generally needed to fit the specific business for which it is used.

A sample feasibility study must start off with a cover page that includes the projects name, the company for which it is being presented to, and the date. The next page should be a record of the revisions the report has been through. The third page is the authorization memorandum. All parties responsible for the approval of the document should have a space for their signature, and the date in which it is signed.

The table of contents is the next part of this sample feasibility study. The list is to include all pages that exist beyond the table of content page(s).  The sections or chapters of the document are listed, along with their subtopics, with the appropriate corresponding pages.

This sample feasibility study is broken down into 4 different areas. They are the General Information, Management Summary, Formal Proposal, and then an Alternative Proposal.

The General Information section is where the purpose, scope, and the system’s overview should be defined. The project’s management team, along with its chain of command, should be clearly defined.

The Management Summary of this sample feasibility study is where the objectives and methodology of the project is stated. This is where who, how, and when the management team will implement the project is answered.

The Formal Proposal is where the heart of the study is. This is where the logistics of the project and any problems that might exist are discussed. The marketing plan is also explained, along with how the target audience was identified, and if there was a positive reaction to the product. Any competition for the target audience in the region also needs to be addressed, along with any other issue involving the sell ability of the product to the cliental.

The Alternative Proposal is a fallback in case there is a problem with the original proposal after the project is approved, so all the time and resources that have already be funneled into the project will not be a total waste.

This is a brief outline of a sample feasibility study and what one may contain. The real life report for your business will have variations, if it is conducted correctly.


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