A Quality Control Plan Is A Necessary Evil

Having a quality control plan is necessary in today’s business world. Management does understand this but are still hesitant to invest heavily into it. Most quality control departments are considered a necessary evil because the value they add to a company’s product is not evident.

What most production managers do not understand is that a quality control plan is more than just a system to make sure they did their job correctly. This is a plan that is the check-and-balance of the inner workings of a business. No part of a company is fool-proof and free of mistakes 100% of the time. In many cases, the quality control department is the last check before a customer receives a product. If there is a problem, it is their job to rectify it or the company’s image may become tarnished.

There are systems and procedures in a quality control plan to make sure the deliverable is of the standards set forth by the business. Many feel this department is really working for the customers and not the company itself. In a way, this is true. The procedures are to make sure the customer is happy and satisfied with the deliverable. This includes sending the deliverable back to production to have any error or problem rectified, if necessary, before it is sent out.

With every new deliverable, there should be a quality control plan that is specific to it. This way, the correct checks can be made. No two projects are the same and with this type of system in place, the quality department can do their job to its fullest potential.

The quality control plan should also be reviewed on a constant basis. Many companies do this annually. This is acceptable if no new products or production lines come into operation during the year. Whenever there is a change, a review should be done to make sure it is up to date and within specifications.

This is all part of having a quality control plan that does its job to make sure the deliverable is of the stated quality to keep the company’s image and reputation as clean as possible.

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