What to Look For In a Sample Business Case

Picking the right sample business case to follow can make all the difference in the outcome of your project. Unless the right approach is taken to secure the financing of the project by getting the upper management onboard, your project may never see the light of day.

Online, there are literally thousands of examples where a sample business case can be looked at and studied. If a person looks hard enough and long enough, they are sure to find one close to their needs. The first place a person should look is from previous business cases within their own company.

The reason a sample business case should be studied and parts of it copied from your company is so it fits the needs, requirements, and the look of previous business cases that have been presented to the upper management before. Many companies already have a template, SOP, or some sort of documentation that should be followed for your project to be approved. If one is present within your company and you do not use it, then approval might not be possible.

Another important factor that should be known about previous business cases from your company is knowing what is preferred. Some like detailed information so the project can be closely scrutinized by the reviewers. This is what a micromanager would prefer. If your upper management are macromanagers, then a brief outline, with heavy emphasis on what it will cost and how much of a return on investment there will be, should be the only in-depth details involved in the document.

When writing your business case, make sure you include the 4 W’s and the how. This is the when, why, where, what, and how about the project or proposal. Within the document, make sure you include how your proposal is financially viable that has true benefits to your company or its clients.

The right sample business case to follow will have a direct impact on the success or failure of your proposal.


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