What to Look For In Business Case Templates

The main use for business case templates is to help the writer in following the proper protocol to obtain the financial backing and approval of upper management on their proposal. The proposal can be for a change in the way business is conducted, a project proposal, or any other type of business activity that takes substantial financial backing to carry out.

When looking at business case templates, finding the right one is not always straight forward. The right one will help emphasize the strong points of your argument to have your proposal approved. Your template should be able to help you clearly define the needs set forth by the proposal. The benefits of the proposal should also stand out. If your template does not do these two major things, then find another one.

Business case templates should also help clarify how the proposal benefits the business while still following the organization’s strategy. The conclusion of the project and what will make it a success should be clearly defined.

An area for resource allocation, both internal and external, should also be in the template. The internals are easily justified. Make sure the externals are clearly defined and there is adequate room for this justification.

The business case templates should also help to make clear where the funding for the proposal will be spent and in what amounts. If upper management cannot see how the funds will be allocated, they may reject your request.

Business case templates should also have an area that addresses any and all the risks associated with the proposal. This way, if or when one arises during the project, the upper management will not be surprised. This will also help build your credibility for your next business case.

The business case templates that are correct for your proposal should address how it fits the company’s strategy, the appraisal options, the commercial viability of the project, how it is financially sound, and that the goals are achievable.


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