How are Project Management Templates Developed?

Project management templates are created for the purpose of simplifying documentations for certain projects.  Applying a project management template suitable to an existing project allows project managers to save time and money and reduces any chances of committing mistakes because of decisions made within the duration of the project.  During the development of a project template and in using such template to quickly capture the plan, the acronym SMEAC is of great help.  The acronym stands for the following:

S – Situation.  Projects are dependent on business situations for it to come into existence.  When people concerned, specifically the project managers, are about to describe the situation, they make sure that all the necessary information are given out.  It is advisable for every project manager that they tell their subordinates about the reason of working into the plan or project.  It is also an advice to tell the superiors who have the responsibility of approving projects about the benefits the project has for the entire organization.

M – Mission.  This is a concise and actual statement of the things the project intends to accomplish.  It shows and describes certain conditions that will improve the project or will cause it to fail.  It also states the basis on how to evaluate the completion of the project.

E – Execution.  This is the stage where specific tasks that focus on accomplishing the mission are assigned.

A – Administration & Logistics.  This aspect is addressed to answering questions about whether outside agencies are involved in the completion of the project and who has the responsibility to coordinate and assist the team for this matter.

C – Controls.  This aspect of developing a project template is concerned with describing who is going to be in charge for the accomplishment of the project and who holds the specific chain of command.  This is actually a detailed description about whether different leaders will be working for the various elements and categories of the project, about when to submit reports and to whom are these reports going to be submitted.

Understanding everything about the SMEAC acronym is essential for the development of project templates necessary to accomplish whatever it is that project managers desire to accomplish in certain projects.


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