Supplier Contract Project Management Template

Method123 has just announced the release of their new Supplier Contract template

Industry leader Method123 has added yet another powerful project management template to their Project Management Kit offering with the introduction of the Supplier Contract template.

Once you’ve chosen one or more suppliers to use for providing the goods and services you need on your project, you’ll need to put the Supplier Contract in place as the next logical step in your project management methodology.  The Supplier Contract, or Supply Contract as it is sometimes called, is your formal agreement with an outside vendor for the delivery of the items you outlined in the Request for Proposal.  It’s a legal agreement between the company and the supplier and used as the yardstick to measure supplier performance against.

Generally, the Supplier Contract contains the following information:

- Supplier performance review and acceptance criteria
- Timeframes for deliveries
- Definition of responsibilities for the supplier and the company
- Pricing and payment terms
- Identification of what deliverables are to be provided
- Any documentation that the supplier must provide
- Any training that the supplier will be providing
- Definition of the invoicing process
- Any additional contact terms and criteria

“Documenting the aspects of the company – supplier relationship is critical,” states Method123 CEO Jason Westland.  “These are not handshake deals – too much is at stake.  Having all of the terms spelled out in a legally binding document is always the best way to go and our project management template will help you do that.  You can be confident moving forward on your project that your business agreements with your suppliers cover everything necessary.”

Method123’s Project Management Kit templates include tips and helps as well as real life examples to make completing these documents a breeze for the Project Manager.  The Supplier Contract template is just as full featured as the company’s other project management template offerings.  It includes all the necessary sections with the regular terms and conditions that are normally included in supplier contracts.  It even has pre-filled in content and tables to save the project manager valuable time.

“Our goal is to make the life of the project manager easier,” says Westland.  “By providing them with easy to use templates like our Supplier Contract template, we’re making some of the painstaking tasks in the project planning process much smoother for the project team.  It’s critical that this information is correctly documented in a legally binding format to ensure proper performance on the project.  You need to be sure that your suppliers will do the job you need them to do and this document will help you do just that.”

Using Method123’s supplier contract template, you’ll be able to easily and quickly create a supply contract that will include everything you need to ensure that your chosen vendor is going to perform the services you need them to perform.  You’ll rest easier at night knowing this critical piece is covered.

For more information on the Supplier Contract and all of Method123’s Project Management Kit templates, please visit their site at


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