Release of Tender Register Template

Method123 continues to strengthen their Project Management Kit product offering with this latest Tender Register template release

In their ongoing effort to supply the best and easiest to use templates in the industry to project managers, Method123 has just added their new Tender Register template to their overall Project Management Template offering.  The Project Management Kit, which boasts more than 50 important templates for the project manager, is fast becoming the industry standard.  Indeed, more than 1 million units have been sold worldwide since its initial release.

“What we’re about at Method123 is using our cumulative knowledge and experience to create useable tools for the overworked project managers who are out there running projects,” states Jason Westland, CEO and co-founder of industry leader Method123 Ltd.  “There are a lot of critical one-time documents that need to be created as part of a company’s Project Management Methodology and we want make that process as easy as possible for the project team.”

The purpose of the Tender Register is to track the different Tender Forms created during the Invitation to Tender process.  The full set of Tender Forms commonly produced and tracked includes:

- The statement of work
- The request for information
- The request for proposal
- The supplier contract

Each one of these documents must be produced, delivered to the supplier, responses are sought and handled, and approvals and revisions must be made.  The Tender Register makes the project manager’s job much easier by giving them a very detailed mechanism to track the progress of these documents along their life cycle.

“The Tender Register basically becomes a very nice document management system for the project manager,” says Westland.  “The SOW, the RFI, the RFP and the Supplier Contract are critical pieces of information and all play a significant role in the vendor selection process.  We help the project Manager keep from dropping the ball on any of these documents by giving them this full featured tracking mechanism.”

Using Method123’s Tender Register template, the project manager will be able to track the current status of each type of tender form issued by the project team.  With this template, none of these critical documents will be allowed to fall through the cracks during reviews and approvals, thus assuring that your suppliers are chosen in the most efficient and timely manner possible.

Method123’s Tender Register will track:

- The type of tender forms that have been released for the project
- The release dates and relevant due dates for reviews and approvals
- Document status
- Final outcome of each tender form

The Tender Register gives the project manager full control over the entire tender processes during the Project Planning process.  By incorporating this tracking tool, the project manager will be able to identify and fix any issues between the business and supplier on any of the tenders produced as early in the process as possible.  And best of all, with this mechanism in place, you can ensure that all of your tender forms are produced, reviewed and approved on time so you can get on with the business of managing the project and your chosen suppliers.

For more information on this template or the Project Management Kit in general, please visit their website at


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