Providing the Project Management Methodology Service

Provide the Improve Project Management Methodology Processes Service

This section explains three aspects of the Improve Processes Service:
- The Processes for the Improve Process Service, including procedures for publicizing and maintaining processes and providing process training
- The Outputs of the Improve Processes Service are:
- The List of Project Management Templates Processes
- The processes themselves
- The processes in use, and the beneficial results that show up in project reviews and project results
- The Relationship between the Improve Processes Service and other services, including project management methodology implementation, training services, controlling services, and others.

Processes for the Improve Processes Service

The processes for improving processes are similar to those for implementing the project management methodology, promoting standards, and standardizing tools. The three processes are:
- The Processes Publication Schedule, which lists when each set of processes will be available, when training will be provided, and when the process will be required.
- The Processes Training Plan, which schedules the work of preparing training on Project Management Methodology.
- The Processes Maintenance Schedule, which schedules the ongoing work of improving processes and the delivery of processes and process training.

The Processes Publication Schedule

Follow these nine steps to create and implement the Project Management Methodology Publication Schedule:
1. Review the Processes Adoption Schedule from the Processes Execution Plan.
2. Open a copy of the Processes Publication Schedule. Enter the general information at the top left.
3. Copy the first column of the Online Project Management Processes Adoption Schedule into the Processes Publication Schedule. Each set of processes in the adoption schedule should be listed in the publication schedule. If sets of processes have been added or removed, adjust the Processes Publication Schedule as noted.
4. Enter the version number of each set of processes in the Version column.
5. Copy the last column of the Processes Adoption Schedule, the date each process is complete, and enter it as the planned date available to customers.
6. Plan the dates that training will be available, and enter the first training date in the Training Available: Planned column and the last in the Training Complete: Planned column.
7. In consultation with the team that performs project reviews, determine if each process is required, or only recommended. If it is required, set a planned date for when this component of the standard will be required for projects under review or audit. This date should be after the Training Complete date.
8. Whenever a standard is being updated to a new version, create a new line in this table, repeating steps 3 through 7.
9. Perform the work necessary to publish, provide training for, and review compliance with each standard. Enter the actual date these activities are complete in the columns for actual dates.


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