Outputs for the Improve Processes Service

Outputs for the Improve Processes Service

There are three outputs from the Improve Processes Service:
- The List of Processes. This list ensures that everyone is using and checking against the same processes at all times.
- The actual written processes themselves, which should be available to all customers and appropriate stakeholders on an internal web server.
- The processes in use, and the benefits of increased standardization, compliance with the methodology, and improved project results. The processes in use are evaluated through the PMO's reviews, audits, and assessments.

The List of Processes

The List of Processes contains a list of process sets and the processes within them, identifying current versions and providing links to the actual Project Management Templates. Ideally, it is available on an internal web site, and all processes are accessed from it via HTML links.

Each set of processes has a source. In some cases, a set of process may have two sources, internal and external. The source created the processes, and also maintains them and authorizes specific versions. There are five possible sources for process sets:
- The PMO. The PMO may create, or adopt and maintain, processes.
- Other internal departments. Process sets may be created and maintained by HR, purchasing, the accounting department, quality assurance groups, and other internal departments.
- Industry associations. The PMI, the British OCG, the IEEE, and others may provide Project Management Software processes.
- Vendors. Companies such as Method123 provide process sets.
- A combination of external associations or vendors, and the PMO. In some cases, the PMO may adopt and modify processes from external sources. In this case, both sources with the authority to change a process should be listed.

The List of Processes may contain multiple versions of a process. For example, if a process has been recently updated, then an older version may apply to projects started before a certain date, and a newer version to projects started on or after the same date. The List of Processes ensures that each project manager, project reviewer, or other customer can determine unambiguously which process should be used.

Optionally, the List of Processes may also include these other features:
- Links to tools. If a tool or template is available to implement a process, then a link to the tool can be included.
- Links to training resources. Links can be provided both to web-based training and to class schedules.
- Links to standards. Using PMO processes ensures compliance with PMO standards. The List of Processes can show which standards are being followed when each process is used.
- Links to the project management methodology's decision rules. If use of a process is governed by decision rules, then the rule can be linked into the List of Processes.
- Links to the methodology's organized set of processes. Methodologies organize processes in several ways, such as by size or type of project, by knowledge area, and by life cycle phase. The List of Processes can show where each process fits into the project management methodology's organized set of processes.


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