Promote Project Management Methodologies Standards Service

Which PMOs should provide the Promote Standards Service?

All PMO's will promote standards because all PMO's seek to standardize project management template methods. The service usually launches at the beginning of the PMO Execution Phase. It is coordinated to launch at the same time as, or shortly after, the Implement Project Management Methodologies Service.

Activity Matrix for the Promote Standards Service
Using an activity matrix ensures that all the work necessary to provide the service is completed, that all work is properly checked and approved to ensure quality, and that there is no duplication of effort

Identify Stakeholders of the Promote Standards Service

The customers of the Promote Standards service are those who need to understand and use standards so as to follow them while managing or working on projects. Other stakeholders are those who review and audit projects, and any stakeholders who benefit from Online Project Management being performed to standard.

Typical Customers

The precise list of customer for the Promote Standards Service will depend on which standards the PMO chooses to promote.

To determine who the customers are, divide standards into these three groups:
- Project Management Standards: Standards such as the PMBOK and PRINCE2, that specifically govern the project management methdologies
- General Management Standards: Other standards regarding management, such as worker safety, workplace fairness, or reporting requirements
- Technical Standards: Standards regarding technical process or results, such as electrical and engineering requirements


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