New Project Management Templates Office Checklist

Method123 announces the release of their new Project Office Checklist

The new Project Office Checklist from Method123 will help you define an efficient project office for your organization.

If your company needs a Project Management Office (PMO) but doesn’t know where to start, look no further than Method123’s Project Management Kit and the new Project Office Checklist that is part of its offering.

“The Project Office Checklist is designed for the organization that is ready to take the next step in its online project management methodology life cycle,” says Method123 CEO Jason Westland.  “Our checklist will guide you through the process of structuring and running a Project Management Office at your company.”

The PMO is the central organization within a company that projects are run through.  They are the keeper of the project management methodology, the clearinghouse for all processes and Project Management Templates that are to be utilized.  All project planning and tracking should begin and end with this organization.  It’s no easy or cheap task to create such an organization…and the Project Office Checklist is just the tool you need to take some of the guesswork out of the process.

Studies have shown that up to 55% of all PMOs fail within the first two years.  Further investigation has uncovered that there was a lack of project planning element involved in approximately 70% of all PMO failures.  Why leave your PMO to chance and your project managers out in the cold when you can utilize a tool as full featured and valuable as the Project Office Checklist from Method123?

This checklist will help you:
- Define the structure for the PMO
- Obtain the right tools and equipment to run the PMO
- Define the proper roles and associated responsibilities
- Create the right processes and procedures for an effective PMO
- Put in place the right project management templates to help ensure project successes

Project Management Offices can be as difficult to run as they are to setup.  Method123’s checklist will give examples of everything you need to set the PMO in motion like the right positions and roles, the templates you’ll need to get started, and tips and hints to help your PMO stay on track.

The Project Office Checklist is not just for setting up a PMO.  It is also helpful to organizations with project offices already in place.  According to Mr. Westland, the checklist can provide help for the current PMO that is in need of improvement.

“The PMO checklist gives an organization excellent guidelines to measure even their current PMO processes and effectiveness against.  It’s not just for the PMOs out there that have yet to be created.  The checklist template was created by project professionals who know what works.  There is information, processes and policies that will make any project office run better and support their Project Management Methodology more effectively,” says Westland.

If you’re looking to start your PMO off on the right foot or trying to improve the effectiveness of your existing project management office, then Method123’s Project Office Checklist is a critical tool for you.

For more information, visit


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