Method123 Financial Planning Template Release

Method123 announces the release of their new Financial Planning template

Industry leader Method123 announced the release of another powerful template in their Project Management Template Kit – the Financial Plan template.

In terms of Project Management Templates, the Financial Plan is a tool used to identify everything that is expected to be expended in terms of dollars on a project.  According to Method123, it’s basically your spending forecast for the project.  The Financial Plan is used to layout every type of expense that is expected to be incurred on the project like labor hours, materials, equipment, rentals, leases, and any other overhead and administrative costs.  Once everything is rolled up together, this final total becomes the budget for the entire project.

“The financial plan is a very critical piece to the overall
project planning puzzle,” states Jason Westland, CEO of Method123 Ltd.  “Without the financial plan, there would be no detailed budget for the project manager to manage against.  Our template helps the project manager put together a very comprehensive financial plan for the project in half the time of other solutions.”

Method123 has sold more than 1 million units of its Project Management Kit worldwide and this new Financial Planning template is sure to boost demand once again.  Already established as an industry leader, Method123’s offering keep getting stronger with the release of every new template. It is designed to make the lives of project managers everywhere much easier.

With the Financial Plan template, the project manager can identify:

•    Labor costs that will be incurred and when
•    Equipment costs that will hit the project and when those will occur
•    Materials that need to be purchased and a proposed schedule
•    Any leases or rentals that will be necessary and a proposed schedule
•    Any additional planned overhead or administrative costs
•    Contingency financial planning for risks and issues that may arise

Another feature that is common to Method123’s templates is the existence of real-world data and examples that will help the user successfully complete the required sections.  Project Managers will find that this full-featured Financial Plan template really sets up everything they need to create a budget for the entire project.

“Like all of our project management templates, the Financial Plan template comes with comprehensive helps and tips as well as detailed instructions,” says Westland.  “The template steps the user smoothly through the process of actually drawing up a detailed project budget.  When it’s completed, the project manager has as much detail as possible to manage all tasks of the project against.”

“At Method123, we’re always striving to make the life of the busy project manager a little easier.  With the release of every new template, we hope we’re doing just that,” says Westland.  “I think we’ve really hit the nail on the head with this one.  We asked real life project managers what they needed and I think we’ve produced it with this template.”

For more information about the Financial Plan template and all of Method123’s other offerings including the Project Management Kit, please visit their website at


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