Learning with Project Management Templates

If you want to improve your Project Success, then you need to learn something new about managing projects every week. After all, if you’re not learning then how can you improve? So find out...

How to improve your Project Learning

Here are 5 great tips for learning more about Project Management...

1: Get serious

Whether you’re a beginner or novice, you need to invest in formal training to boost your skills. So get serious and take the first step. Either enroll for a formal training course locally, or use Project Management Templates so that you can learn from home when it suits you.

Then set aside 2 hours every week to sit down and read books, materials, articles and white papers about projects. By immersing yourself in the topic, you will spark ideas for your own projects that you can use to improve your success.

2. Widen your scope

Don’t just stick to the classical theory of project management. Instead, widen your scope by reading materials that also cover managing people, money and equipment as well as suppliers, procurement and communications.

3. Write it down

If you’re reading late at night, much of what you read will go in one ear and out the other. So every time you think “That’s a good point!” write it down. Create your own “Learning Guidebook” and in it, record every tip that you’ve learned along the way. Then you can read your own guidebook as a refresher. Even better, you can use it to impart the knowledge you’ve gained to your team. Who knows, you could even publish it as a book!

4. Get specific

When you’ve spent a couple of months improving your knowledge of project management, you’re ready to get specific. Write down the areas that you’re weak in and get detailed materials on those topics. Remember that Project Managers are generalists. They need to know a lot about ALL of the topics in the management discipline. So if there are topics that you’re weak on, learn more about them now.

5. Reward your efforts

By writing down your learning along the way, you’ll quickly realize how valuable that information is to you. So feel proud of what you’ve learnt by rewarding your own efforts! Go out for a meal with friends, buy new clothes or do something special.

By rewarding your efforts, it will reinforce how import learning is to you. And it will motivate you to continue learning more each week.


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