Documenting a Resource Plan

Template Tips: Documenting a Resource Plan

The following diagram depicts the activities undertaken during the Project Planning phase:

A key document created during this phase is the Resource Plan. A Resource Plan identifies the physical resources responsible for undertaking each of the activities and tasks within the project. A typical Resource Plan should:

  • List the general types of resources to be utilised on the project

  • Identify the number of resources and purpose of each type of resource

  • Identify when the resources are required by completing a ‘Resource Schedule’ table

  • Allocate the resources to project activities by completing a ‘Resource Usage’ table.

Project Tips: How to Close a Project

The Project Closure phase involves distributing the final deliverables to the customer, releasing project documentation to the business, terminating supplier contracts, releasing project resources and communicating the closure of the project to all stakeholders. The last remaining step is to undertake a Post Implementation Review to quantify the overall success of the project and list any lessons learned for future projects. A Project Closure Report is created and submitted to the Customer for approval.

A Post Implementation Review should then be conducted to determine how well it performed against the objectives and conformed to the management processes specified. It should outline whether it:

  • Resulted in the benefits defined in the Business Case

  • Achieved the objectives outlined in the Project Charter

  • Operated within the scope of the Project Charter

  • Produced deliverables specified within the Quality Plan

  • Delivered within the schedule outlined in the Project Plan

  • Delivered within the budget outlined in the Financial Plan.


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