Customer Base Revealed

Today, Method123 announced that it has just gained its 200,000'th customer and has sold to more than 250 countries worldwide.

The release comes as the quarterly results in the US look poor as the recession grips America by storm.

"Sales were down for the last quarter in 2008 over prior years, when the recession first hit" says Jason Westland, CEO of Method123 Ltd. However 2009 has been an extremely good year to date. It seems that customers are weary of spending tens of thousands on large implementation of project management tools sets and they are now interested in getting the maximum bang for buck with more affordable online tools like ours.”

Method123 was founded in 2000 and was initially a free tools site for project managers. It released the "Project Management Template' product set in 2004 and has gained 200,000 customers in just 5 years.

The company also has the largest "virtual" Project Management Community in the World, with more than 225,000 Project Managers and Teams on its bi-weekly newsletter.

For further information, visit


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