Striking New Project Management Tools
Striking New Project Management Tools Released Today, Method123 Ltd released new Project Management tools for improving project success. Aptly named the Method123 Project Management Methodologies , or MPMM for short, this new toolset helps project managers and teams deliver projects in a standard, repeatable way. The toolset includes an entire methodology for projects. The methodology describes to managers and team members, how to deliver projects step-by-step. Every step is described in depth, so that managers know what they have to complete, how and by when. The responsibilities of every team member are described and their tasks are clearly stated. This helps give teams a clear understanding of the road ahead. As well as a methoodlogy for projects, the new toolset includes every project management process needed to monitor and control projects. The processes help managers to control time, cost and quality on projects. They also help control changes, risks and issues. Further proces...