Project Management Life Cycle Reviews

Project Life Cycle Reviews Released

Method123 today released a brand new toolset for reviewing projects.

The toolset allows project managers and independent parties to review the status of their projects, during each phase in the Project Management Life Cycle.

Using a suite of Project Management Templates, checklists and reports the reviewer can quickly and easily review a project from end to end. They can then take the results and enter them into the requisite project report to present to their sponsor. This saves time and effort, making the review of projects easier than before.

“Most projects are reviewed at some point to ensure that they are likely to be delivered on time and meet the objectives set,” says Jason Westland, CEO of Method123 Ltd. “The trick is to complete the review quickly and accurately, so that project resources are not delayed during the review, putting the project at risk. But the challenge is that a project review covers a wide range of areas, so it is often time-consuming. It’s a conundrum for project sponsors. They want more reviews because they want assurance that their projects are on time. But each review consumes project resource and puts their project at risk of not meeting the project schedule. The solution is to use smart tools to complete reviews quickly. If by using smart tools, the review can cover the same number of topics, in less time and use less project resource to do it, then it’s a win-win situation.”

Method123 provide review templates for every step in the Project Life Cycle. They also offer Project Management Tools for managing time, cost and quality to ensure that the project meets the deadlines set. With this new toolset, project reviewers can conduct short pointed reviews to obtain the information needed to report the status of their projects to senior management. This helps increase confidence in the delivery of projects and ensures senior management buy-in, which is critical to success.

Recently, Method123 announced the release of Online Project Management Software for the review and reporting of projects. This software allows reviewers to log in and see 24 hours a day, the exact status of their projects. The website is called and it helps managers and teams to initiate, plan, track and report on projects like never before. They can see the status of their projects on a project dashboard, and they can plan their projects in depth using an innovative project planner.

Method123 has also released tools to help teams create Project Management Methodologies for projects. The methodologies allow the reviewer to follow a set process for reviewing projects, so that every review can be conducted in a standard, best practice fashion.

Together, these tools allow reviewers to conduct reviews faster and more efficiently than before. They contain all of the templates, tools and software needed to review projects from start to finish, so that organizational executives have a clear picture of the status of their projects at all times. For more infomration on these valuable toolsets for managers, visit the follwing websites:, and


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