Project Management Dashboard Software

Project Management Dashboard Software Released

Project has just released their latest dashboard concept in online project management.

The new concept called allows users to create a customized project dashboard, to monitor their projects online. Using leading edge technologies, this online project management software allows the user to view the status of their project at a glance. They can see whether their project is on time, under budget and has an acceptable level of risk.

A Project Manager or team member can login to a 30 day free trial and immediately view 3 sample projects. They can then create as many projects as they wish, and start monitoring progress as they go. This latest version released today, is 100% faster and more efficient than before.

“Before we set out, we surveyed thousands of existing customers and found out that they all had common requirements” says Jason Westland, CEO. “Project Managers all wanted a graphical way to view their projects online. They wanted a flexible dashboard, one that could be changed on the fly. So that’s exactly what we’ve given them – a completely customizable web project management solution”.

In this latest release, allows users to click and drag charts around the screen in a concept similar to iGoogle, to allow project managers to customize their project management dashboard on the fly. They can turn charts on or off and change the settings for each chart so that only certain information is displayed.

For every project in the system, has a unique dashboard for it, to allow the Project Manager to keep an eye on the project’s status. It also allows a Project Manager to group projects and view the status of the entire group. In this way, they can view their dashboard at the program/programme level, from a single page online.

“These days, a Project Manager will often manage multiple projects at the same time” says Westland. “So we’ve created a Portfolio view of their dashboard, allowing them to monitor the status of their entire portfolio of projects. In this view, the Project Manager can identify in seconds, which projects are late and which are over budget. It makes the monitoring and tracking of budgets a breeze.”

Since it went live on 26 July 2008, has gained a substantial amount of momentum in the market place. Thousands of people are trying the product for free and teams are already signing up to this new exciting initiative, to manage all of the projects within their organization. The team will spend the next 12 months continually improving the speed of the online application, so that they can rival desktop applications in the same market segment space.

For further information, visit this online project management software at


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