Building your Project Management Templates Career


Would you like to boost your career in Project Management with project management templates? Christmas is often the perfect time to reflect on your Project Management career to date and set a new path for the coming years. If you’re interested in getting the most out of your career, read this newsletter which gives you tips and tricks on...

Building your Project Management Career

Most people find themselves in Project Management by chance. They were offered a role, took it because it looked like fun and now they’re running on “go-go juice” (pure adrenalin) trying to coordinate people, time and money to meet the expectations of the customer. It’s pretty hard to schedule a career around this. Project Management Templates can smooth this out.

However the Christmas period usually gives people a chance to reflect on the year to date and plan ahead for the following year. So use this time wisely, by reflecting on our advice below (regarding project management templates)…

Your dream job

It may be something like “to be a professional baseball player” or “leading climbers up Mount Everest ” and it may have nothing to do with project management at all - but by defining your dream job and what it has to offer, it will set the scene for where you are in your career now and will paint a clear picture of the road ahead. It will also help you define where you want to be in 5 years time, which is critical to setting a clear career path.

The long term goal

How will you ever achieve your long term goal if you don’t know what it is? Give it a try by thinking about the type of role you want to be doing in 5 years time and what it would involve. For instance, do you want to have your own business, be a PM high flier, an industry expert or to retire? Whatever it is, write down a detailed description of your 5 year goal and what it is about this goal that makes it attractive.

Navel Gazing

Now think about where you are and how that matches your long term goal. How far are you from meeting your goals? List in detail all of the things that are different between your current role and your long term goal. Then prioritize those differences, so you know which is more important to you. For instance, is taking on more challenging projects more important than earning more money?


Take a little time to decide how serious you are about achieving your long term goal and what you are prepared to do about it. For instance, if it requires more responsibility, a larger team and more stress, are you really willing to take this on board?

Decide on your goal and feel proud about it. Only a fraction of the workforce actually succeed in setting a long term personal goal. Tell others about what you have decided. The more you tell others about what you’re going to achieve, the more you will believe that you can achieve it. Self-motivation is critical to a promising career.

Action Plan

It’s now time to set out an action plan. Between your current role and your ideal long term role, which interim roles will you need to fulfill? Create your own career plan, by defining each of these roles and how they are going to help you to realize your dream.

Describe what it is that you expect to get out of each role (e.g. what you will learn or the types of experience gained) and then add timescales to each role, so you have a plan of attack.

Taking the Plunge

Talk through your plan with your current boss to get their feedback and support. Bounce it off a mentor, friend or colleague. Don’t let anyone put you off. If you believe in it yourself and it feels right then stick to it.

Constantly look for opportunities that match your action plan and when you’re ready, take the plunge. By driving your career yourself, you will feel more empowered and confident in your abilities. And you’ll boost your chances of achieving that dream job.

Note: If you would like to access your projects anywhere anytime then view this Project Management Software.


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