Closure and Project Management Tools

Project Management Tools

Tip 1: Confirm Project Completion

The first step in closing a project is to confirm that the project is ready to be closed (using project management tools) . The project is only ready for closure when all the completion criteria specified in the Terms of Reference have been met in full. If you’re confident that the project has met all of the completion criteria specified, then the next step is to identify any outstanding items. These are typically activities listed as “Incomplete” on the Project Plan, however they may also be miscellaneous risks, issues or general items that are noteworthy and need to be raised. Identify the outstanding items required to be completed, in order to confirm that the project is ready for completion.

Tip 2: Identify Closure Actions

Now that you’ve confirmed that the project is ready for closure, you're ready to document the actions needed to close the project, within a “Project Closure Report”. You should also identify the actions required to close down the Project Office, including the cessation of premise rental agreements and cancellation of supply accounts such as water, electricity and phone lines. You should then create a plan for communication of the project closure to all stakeholders using project management tools. Note: You may need to create different messages for different audience groups.

Tip 3: Undertake Closure Actions

Following the approval of the “Project Closure Report” by the Project Board, the Project Manager will be responsible for undertaking each of the actions listed within the specified dates. The Project Manager and Project Sponsor will stay in close contact as each closure action is performed, to ensure that the project is closed quickly and efficiently. Only after all of the actions specified within the Project Closure Report have been completed, will the project be designated as officially closed. Download a Project Report for your projects now.
To complete a project inside budge, implement these Project Management Templates.


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