Project Management and the Request for Proposal

Title Project Management and the Request for Proposal

Description After you have created a request for information, the next step using the project management methodology is to create a request for proposal.

Keywords project management methodology request for proposal.

Q: After creating the “Request for Information” document, we see from the project management methodology included in your project management software that we need to create what is called a “Request for Proposal”. Do we have to complete this step as well?

A: It really depends on how complex the activities are that you wish to outsource. If you’re outsourcing a complex solution and you need a detailed response from vendors, than you will need to issue a request for proposal to seek a detailed response from them. However if your outsourcing needs are simple (eg you just want a consultant for a few weeks to help you spec out the solution design) then you may only need to complete a request for information. This is all explained in our project management methodology.


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