
Showing posts from December, 2007

Project Management Process for Managing Issues

Q: I have heard that the Project Manager should install some kind of project management process for getting rid of project issues, but is this really over the top? Like, if we have a medium sized project, should we really record every issue that crops up? A: Great question. Every project should put in some type of project management process for monitoring and tracking issues. It doesn’t mean that you should get anal about it, but you definitely need to record issues which are affecting the project, because if you have more than a handful, it gets difficult to track them otherwise. Issues are things that are afecting the project right now, so if you’re not monitoring and controllling them effectively, then you’re project is being held back from delviering successfully. Putting an issue project management process inplace for managing projects is simple using our project management methodologies.

Risk Project Management Software

Q: We need to put in place some type of project management process for managing project risks. However we have not put such a project management process in place before and we want to boost our project productivity, not slow it down. Any advice? A: If you want to put in place an efficient project management process for managing project risk, then our project management software has such a process. It tells you how to identify and capture risks during the project, how to properly document them using risk forms, then prioritize each risk and escalate them for action. By formally managing project risks, you stand a greater chance of delivering your project on time and within cost.

Project Management Methodology for Managing Changes

Q: Our projects are going out of control. We have constant scope creep due to clients asking for more and more features and deliverables during the project. What do you suggest we do? A: You need to firstly implement a consistent project management methodology. Within this project management methodology , you need to implement formal change management. Then every time that a change is identified on the project, you can document it, identify the impact of the change on the project deliverables and request either a change to the project charter , more time or money to implement it. Once the customer realizes that every change request costs them more in terms of money or time, they will get very particular about the requests they ask of you !

Build Teams with Project Management Templates

Build Teams with  Project Management Templates So you’re a Project Manager on a new project and you want to build a high performing team using  project management templates ? Excellent, this is a great goal to strive for. But it’s not easy, especially in the project environment which has its own challenges. To do it, take these tips for... Building high performing teams What exactly is a high performing team? It’s “a team that exceeds the goals you set, by working hard and smart, as a group, not individuals.” Whether you’re in IT, construction, engineering or another industry, building a high performing team is critical to success. You can do it in just 5 steps... 1) Planning Before you hire your first person, you need to document what it is that your team have to achieve and by when. You also need to create specific Job descriptions that set out your expectations for each role and how you’ll measure their performance. Don’t stop there. Think about the team culture you want to build, t...

Quality Management Process in a Project Methodology

Title Quality Management Process in a Project Methodology Description To meet quality expectations you need a formal project management methodology. Keywords project management methodology for quality. Q: I know that the 3 aspects of delivering a project are something to do with time, cost and quality. Obviously the project needs to come in on time, and to cost (ie within budget), but how does quality come into it? A: Well quality is all about producing delvierables which meet the expectations of the customer. And to do this, you need a formal project management methodology for managing quality. During this process, you will set out the quality expectations, standards and criteria to be achieved.

Cost Project Management Process

Title Cost Project Management Process Description Expenses for the project can be recorded using the project management process. This allows for control over the budget. Keywords project management process costings. Q: Delivering a project on time is one thing, at the same time, delivering it under budget is another. We’re often asking for another 10% of the project budget towards the end of the execution phase, just to complete the project. How does your project management process help us to control project costs? A: Well, firstly it will enable you to implement a cost management process for your project. This helps you to monitor and control costs, through the recording of project expenses on Expense Forms. You can also review and approve all expense forms quickly and easily.

Project Execution Phase Of Project Life Cycle

Title Project Exeuciton phase of Project Life Cycle Description During the project life cycle there are several phases to be executed. Keywords project life cycle execution. Q: It’s during the project execution phase that we’re constantly getting unstuck on our projects. We seem to be delivering projects over time, over budget and not always meeting the customer’s requirements exactly. What can we do about it? A: During the execution phase of the project life cycle , you need to implement a number of project management processes for success. These processes enable you to monitor and control aspects of the project, such as the time spent, costs incurred and quality levels achieved. Our project management methodology helps you to do all of these things. Download a free trial today.

Turn Arounds and Project Management Templates

Project Management Templates - Turn Around Failing Projects Most Project Managers have been there, when they don't use project management templates . You’re assigned a project that’s going off the rails and you’re expected to turn it around. Where do you start? Why is it failing? What should you do to get it back on track? People who exceed in these roles are called “turn-around specialists” and it’s a discipline of its own. Yet a Project Manager is often asked to do it. So we thought we’d offer some tips and advice here, on: Turning around Failing Projects Great– you’ve been assigned to a new project, but things are already going crazy. Your team are dissatisfied, your deliverables are late and your budget has already been exceeded. Your Project Sponsor is unhappy and no-one really knows who the customer is. Where do you start? Confirmation The first thing to do is to find the documented vision for the project, go to the Sponsor and confirm that it’s still accurate. If there is no...

Time Management Project Management Process

Title Time Management Project Management Process Description The project management process has a time management component. This enables you to manage the project timelines successfully. Keywords project management process managing time. Q: We regularly have projects deliver later than expected. What project management process should we put in place to be able to manage and control the time spent on projects. A: Well it’s just as you said, you need a time management process to help you manage time on projects. This process will entail the capture of time spent undertaking tasks by staf (using timesheets) and the review and approval of all time spent. You can then monitor and control the amount of time spent overall, by reallocating tasks to staff based on what is and is not getting done.

Monitoring and Controlling through Project Management Processes

Title Monitoring and Controlling through Project Management Processes Description A project can be successfully controlled and monitored using our project management process. Keywords project management processes monitoring. Q: We are about to start the project execution phase and it seems that the majority of a project manager’s time in this phase is about monitoring and controlling project delivery. Which project management processes should we invoke to do this? A: Actually, there are a suite of project management processes that you should undertake to monitor and control a project successfully, These proceses help you to manage time, costs, quality, changes, risks, issues, quality, procurement and customer acceptance.  

The Build Deliverables step in Project Management Life Cycle

Title The Build Deliverables step in Project Management Life Cycle Description A project management life cycle only tells you how to manage projects. It does not provide information on how to construct deliverables. Keywords project management life cycle physical deliverables. Q: Hi, we are a small company and are buildig a suite of deliverables for your customer. However it’s occurred to us that while we can apply a consistent project management life cycle to our projects, it’s pretty hard to describe in a methodology how to build the deliverables – as the deliverables are different for every project. How does your project management methodology handle this? A: Very good question. This is the only step in the project management life cycle that is totally different for every project undertaken. It is covered at the helicopter level in our project management methodology, however a methodlogy tells you how to manage projects, not how to build and construct physical delvierables like bu...

Project Management Process for a Supplier Contract

Q: We’re in the middle of building a detailed supplier contract for helping us to manage our supplier’s performance. Will your project management process help us to do this? A: Yes. Our project management methodology describes how to create a contract for managing your supplier. It includes a template and case study for each of the elements usually covered in a supplier contract. This includes defining the purpose of the contract, recipients, definitions, scope of work, delivery schedule, and responsibilities of both parties and general performance criteria. This way, you will have a solid project management process for managing the performance of your supplier, throughout the project management life cycle .

Project Management and the Request for Proposal

Title Project Management and the Request for Proposal Description After you have created a request for information, the next step using the project management methodology is to create a request for proposal. Keywords project management methodology request for proposal. Q: After creating the “Request for Information” document, we see from the project management methodology included in your project management software that we need to create what is called a “Request for Proposal”. Do we have to complete this step as well? A: It really depends on how complex the activities are that you wish to outsource. If you’re outsourcing a complex solution and you need a detailed response from vendors, than you will need to issue a request for proposal to seek a detailed response from them. However if your outsourcing needs are simple (eg you just want a consultant for a few weeks to help you spec out the solution design) then you may only need to complete a request for information. This is all exp...

Managing Project Management Template Programs of Work

Project Management Template - managing programs of work... Want to manage a program of work using project management templates ? As you become more experienced managing projects, you will often be asked to manage an entire “program of work”. This is usually more challenging than managing a single project, as you will have a greater budget, team and responsibilities than you had before. To help you out, we’ve defined here the 4 steps to take when... Managing a Program of Work So what is a Program? Well, a simple definition is that it’s a group of projects. But wait– there’s more! The projects in a program will have been grouped together for a reason, which is typically that they contribute to the same objectives in the business strategy. Also, programs may include operational work within their scope, which makes them different by their very nature. So you’ve been asked to run a program to build a new retail complex which involves 3 construction projects and some general marketing act...

What is a project methodology

What is a project methodology What exactly is a project methodology or process. Q: What exactly is a project methodology or process? A: We have defined a methodology as a series of steps that you take, to run a project from kickoff to closure. This means that all of the steps you need to run your project are undertaken in a formal, structured fashion. The steps you take are defined in your methodology and the same steps are undertaken for each and every project you undertake.

Request for Information Project Management Process

Title Request for Information Project Management Process Description Once you have created a statement of work document, using the project management process you need to create a request for information document. Keywords project management process information requests. Q: While appointing vendors to our project, we realized that we didn’t have a formal project management process for doing so. So we went back to the starting block and created a Statement of Work, as highlighted in your project management methodology. But what’s the next step after doing this? A: The next step afer you have created a statement defining the work that a vendor should complete, is to issue a document called a “Request for Information”. This document basically defines the project management process for the vendor, in responding to your needs, by submiting a formal proposal to you for consideration. The reason you need to document this project manaement process formally is that you want the entire vendor s...

Statement of Work and Project Management Methodologies

Title Statement of Work and Project Management Methodologies Description A statement of work can be created by using these project management methodologies. Keywords project management methodologies document. Q: I know that your project management methodologies tell me to create a “statement of work” before I appoint a preferred supplier to our project, but why is this? A: If you want to ensure that you have appointed the best available supplier to your project, then you need to first, set out what it is that the preferred supplier needs to deliver, within the “Statement of Work” document. This document does exactly that – it’s a statement that defines the work that you want the supplier to complete.

The Initiation Phase in the Project Management Life Cycle

Q: How can we start up a project and ensure that we do all of the right things, before we start the detailed planning phase? A: We’re glad you’ve asked, as our project management methodology describes in depth, all of the phases, activities and tasks required to start up a new project, during the project management life cycle . First you need to create a business case and perform a feasibility study, to make sure that you define the basis upon which you project is kicked off. Then you need to take the most important step by creating the Project Charter document, which explains the vision, objectives and scope of your project. Then set up a project office and appoint your project team. And finally, make sure you review the success of the steps you have taken, before you kick-off the next phase in the project management life cycle .

Project Management Methodology for Appointing Suppliers

Q: We need to appoint a preferred vendor to help us to complete a Project. Can you please tell us what the process is that we should undertake to do such a thing? We know that we need to get it right up-front, otherwise if we appoint the wrong supplier then the cost of changing during the project will be expensive. A: You’re right, you need to put in a solid project management process at the outset. Our project management methodology includes such a process. The steps are as follows: Create a “Statement of Work”, then issue a “Request for Information”, then issue a “Request for Proposal” and then finally appoint the preferred supplier and negotiate the suppler contract. This single project management process applies to suppliers in all fields and industries.

Managing Portfolios using Project Management Templates

Project Management Templates - for Managing Portfolios Want to “move up” in the field of Project Management by using project management templates ? If so, then consider a career as a Project Portfolio Manager. You will be responsible for managing an entire portfolio of work, to help your company to achieve the overall business strategy. So how do you startup, plan, execute and close a portfolio? We will explain how to do it right here, in this special newsletter edition on... Managing a Portfolio of Work What is Project Portfolio Management? Well, the short and sweet definition is that it’s “managing most (or all) of an organizations resources towards achieving a common goal”. Wow - that’s huge! Yes, if you’re responsible for managing a portfolio of work, then you often have all, or at least a large portion of the organizations resources (people, equipment, money…) at your disposal. This is why portfolios usually include a whole suite of projects, programs and even operational work, g...

Project Management Process Procurement Planning

Q: I’m on a large project at the moment and we’re outsourcing chunks of work to vendors. How does the procurement planning project management process you have help me to do this? A: We’ll, our project management process has a lot of information which describes how to plan the procurement elements of your project. As you will already know, finding the right vendor, outsourcing the right stuff and managing vendor performance is an important part in achieving project success. By taking the steps listed in this project management process, you will be able to create a detailed procurement plan by identifying the procurement requirements, researching the marketing offerings available, creating a procurement schedule and defining a procurement process.

Communications Planning and Project Management

Q: When should I create a communications plan, in project management ? Is it only for large projects, or should I do it for ever project I undertake. For instance, I’m working on a small construction project at the moment for a housing complex, and the team size is small, so I don’t see that I need to create one. Would I be correct in asserting this? A: Yes you’re right, communications planning is one project management process that you typically do more of, the larger the project. It’s fair to say that for every project you indertake, you should plan the types of communications you’re going to undertake up front, before you start project execution. For instance, are you going to hold weekly team meetings, will you send out status reports, and if so, who to and when? We suggest you do this for every project, regardless of the size, industry and complexity.

Acceptance Plan Project Management Process

Q: What exactly is “acceptance management”? I have heard the term used in the project management industry, but I’m unsure whether or not it applies to my projects. A: Acceptance Management is the active project management process by which you gain a customers acceptance for the deliverables your projects create. Put simply, it’s getting the big “rubber stamp” from your customer for the items you deliver as part of your project. And yes, it applies to EVERY project you undertake, because if your customer hasn’t signed off on all delvierables produced, then your project’s not complete.