Supply Chain Management Project Management Templates

Tender Processing Project Management Templates

One of the most difficult decisions a Project Manager has to face is selecting the right supplier to partner with, to complete a project - it is all part of Supply Chain Management. To select the right supplier ‘fairly and squarely’, a lot of hard work and effort needs to go into running a formal Tender Process early in the project lifecycle. By completing the Tender Process in a formal manner, the Project Manager removes any potential bias by ensuring that only the supplier with the highest likelihood of meeting the project’s requirements is selected.

The key to running a successful Tender Process is to document in detail how it will be undertaken before you initiate it. If you create a comprehensive document identifying all of the tasks required, then it’s simply a matter of executing those tasks to select your supplier.

Your Tender Process document should include the following 10 steps:

  1. Create a SOW. The “Statement of Work” (SOW) defines the requirements of the project, to enable potential suppliers to determine if they can meet those requirements

  2. Create an RFI. The “Request for Information” (RFI) describes the information required by the project, to select a shortlist of suppliers for further evaluation

  3. Release the RFI. The RFI and SOW are released to the marketplace to inform potential suppliers of the project requirements (outlined in the SOW) and the format of the required response (outlined in the RFI)

  4. Evaluate the responses. The supplier responses are received and evaluated based on their ability to met the project’s requirements stated within the SOW

  5. Select a shortlist. The responses with the highest scores are added to a supplier shortlist

  6. Create an RFP. The “Request for Proposal” (RFP) describes the information required by the project to select the preferred supplier. Examples of information required include the suppliers company details, their product offerings and delivery approach

  7. Release the RFP. The RFP is released to the shortlist of suppliers to allow them to submit a detailed proposal to the project

  8. Evaluate Responses. The proposals are received and evaluated against the requirements outlined in the SOW

  9. Select Preferred. The proposal with the highest score is then selected and the preferred supplier is asked to enter into a contract

  10. Agree Contract.  A formal supplier contract is drafted by the project and after negotiation, is agreed with the supplier

Method123 offer a full suite of Tender project management templates documents to help you complete Tenders quickly and efficiently, including:

  • Tender Management Process

  • Statement of Work (SOW)

  • Request for Information (RFI)

  • Request for Proposal (RFP)

  • Tender Register


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