Project management software server edition

Q: I would like to run MPMM on our corporate server for shared user access. I understand that MPMM is currently a stand-alone product, but we would like to create and use a shared methodology for projects. When is this coming and how can we share project management methodologies currently?

A: Yes this project management software is currently deployed to the PC as opposed to the server. If you currently wish to create and share project management methodologies, then it is easily done by creating a new project methodology in any Professional edition and exporting that methodology and emailing it to your peers. They can then import the project management methodology that you have sent them. The methodology exporting and importing process only takes a few minutes and you can share project management methodologies with as many MPMM licensed users as you wish. To help you share project management methodologies from a single license install, we are creating a shared version that can be installed on your corporate server. That way you can manage the number of online project management methodologies that are created and you can control the use of each project methodology within your organization.

The MPMM Support Team


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