Expiry of the Project Management Methodology Trial Edition

Expiry of the Project Management Methodology Trial Edition

Q: I have downloaded the free project management methodology trial of MPMM and I noticed that I am able to access all of the content within this valuable product. This makes me wonder – will the project management methodology lock after the expiration of the trial period? Otherwise, can I keep using it indefinitely?

A: This project management methodology has been provided to you for a free period of 14 days to allow you to review the product and make your purchase decision. After the expiration of the free project management methodology trial period you will no longer be able to access the content included within MPMM. Some users have tried to roll the clock back to continue use but the software cleverly identifies when this occurs and notifies you that you are not able to use it. If we were to provide an indefinite trial period then you would receive the product for free and we would be out of business. So to enable us to continue to reinvest the revenue from sales into product development and continue to release new versions with new project management features, we have locked the product after 14 days and ask you to purchase it for use.

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