Project Management Process Versions

Your Project Management Process

Question: Our company lays the concrete slabs for commercial and residential projects. I am trying to ascertain how I can implement your project management process in our company, which has no structure for its projects at this time.

Answer: Lets start by outlining the very basic differences between our different project management process offerings.

  • MPMM Education Edition is aimed at teaching and introducing the Project Management Process to people, it does however not include any of the templates used in the Project Management Process developed by Method123. While it would be a good start in an environment that maybe a bit light on experience in a structured approach to Project Management, it is not likely to meet all your needs.

  • MPMM Standard Edition is aimed at use by companies for in-house project management. It covers the core aspects and processes of PM but does not cover outsourcing, tendering etc. ie it does not cover the company acquiring work (ie a project to manage) from without the company.

  • MPMM Professional Edition covers everything.

From the sounds of it MPMM is exactly what you need. And given the nature of your business, I would suggest MPMM Professional, but Standard at the very least.

The aim of MPMM is twofold.

1. To enable those highly experienced in the field of Project Management to avoid having to 'reinvent the wheel'.
2. For those new to Project Management, to give them the nuts and bolts so that they can implement 'best practise' in their endeavours.

Alternatively try Project Manager .com or these Project Management emplates.

The MPMM Support Team


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