Project Management Methodology Panel & Backups

Related Topics Panel & Backups within Project Management Methodology

Client Request:
I want to be able to turn the Related Topics and Summary Panels off during my project management life cycle implementation.

Support Team Response:
This is a good idea, but it not easily implemented. We have scheduled to be able to complete this feature in the first half of 2007. We hope to be able to allow you to click on the settings button and to offer you the feature of turning any panels within this project management software on and off. Users may also wish to turn off the Index and Find tabs as well. This feature will be especially useful for users who have small screen sizes or user the 120 dpi setting on their screen, as it will enable them to increase the size of the primary Display panel for displaying core MPMM content.

Client Request:
I want to be able to backup the new methodology that I have created.

Support Team Response:
You can do this now in the current version of this project management software (MPMM Professional, Version 3.0) – simply click on the Settings button in the top right hand side, and then select “Backup MPMM Data”. This feature allows you to backup the entire MPMM database to a single file. If you want to restore it at any point, you can then select the “Restore MPMM Data” button and it will over-ride the existing database with your restored copy, so make sure that you really want to initiate this before you select the function.

The MPMM Support Team


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