Project Management Methodology Index

Indexing & Serial Numbers for Project Management Methodology

Client Request:
The index of project management terms in MPMM is pretty good, but when will I be able to create my own index for my own project management methodology?

Support Team Response:
Any time you edit the MPMM methodology, duplicate the methodology, or create a brand new methodology, the MPMM index is visible. This enables you to have a complete set of index terms “good to go” for each of your project management methodology you create. However some companies use their own project management life cycle terminology and would like to create their own index. You can do this now in Version 3, by editing and adding Index terms, however you can’t delete core MPMM project management index terms. We will probably make it so that you can choose to either; use the MPMM index, customize the MPMM index or create a new index yourself. This gives you all of the options you need, to create and customize unique new index terms for projects.

Client Request:
I had to reinstall MPMM the other day, and I was required to re-enter my serial number. Why can’t it record the details so I don’t have to re-enter them?

Support Team Response:
Good question. When you uninstall MPMM, it’s like all other software applications; the project management software is completely removed from your PC. Like most Microsoft products, you then need to re-enter your license serial number when you install the new version. We are looking at ways for the serial number to be stored in your PC’s registry file, so that when you uninstall MPMM and then reinstall it, your PC will remember that it has been installed before and it will enter the serial number information automatically. We hope to have this implemented for version 4.0 of the project management methodology.

The MPMM Support Team


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