MPMM Project Management Life Cycle Reseller

Become a Reseller of MPMM Project Management Life Cycle

Q: Congratulations on the release of such a wonderful Project Management Life Cycle. I would like to know if we can enter into a kind of reseller agreement so that I can be your point of contact in South Africa (if you don't have one already). I believe the market for this kind of product is huge in South Africa and the rest of Africa and I will be very glad to join your team. I have an idea of several companies in SA that look for companies that have got sound project management methodologies like yours, so if I become your SA partner as a Project Manager Consultant, I believe we will get some good deals.

A: Thank you for your enquiry. We have now released the MPMM project management life cycle Certified Reseller Program, so this is the best course of action for you. By becoming a Certified Reseller, you can resell MPMM licenses to your clients. You can also offer your clients consulting and training services relating to installation. Of course you can offer services for customizing MPMM to fit your clients project environment, as well as create and resell your own project management life cycle. You can use the MPMM Professional edition itself to create your own methodology (using your existing in-house methodology) and license and sell it to clients.

We will soon release a reseller program for this Project Management Software.

The MPMM Support Team


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