The Request for Information
The request for information (RFI) is a formal document sent out to locate data and knowledge a business does not current have, but wishes to possess. The main reason for this document is to give your business an edge in dealing with third party vendors. The more you know about them and how they operate, along with what they have available, the better chances you have at making any exchange work in your favor. In the business world, knowledge is power and the request for information is the most common process for acquiring this knowledge. This process is initiated by the creation of the RFI document. This can be successfully accomplished by the project manager looking at a sample, or using a project management template program that is in use at their place of business. In the template for the creation of a request for information, there will be a section that will allow you to describe in detail your company’s needs from a supplier. This document will also include a section on the cur...