
Showing posts from December, 2018

Using Project Management Templates to Develop Documents

It has been shown that using project management templates to develop and document a project plan saves time and money. This is attributed to their ease of use and thoroughness of how they were prepared. When deciding on which set of project management templates is best for your company, there are several factors you need to consider. The first one is your computer system. If you have many stand alone units, then the project management program would need to be loaded on each and every one where a user might be working. This is becoming a rarer scene, but still exists in smaller companies. For the corporations that have a centralized server, the users will have easier access to the project management templates . With access, the project managers will be able to use all of the templates to their fullest potential if they are aware of them and know how to use them. This is where training is beneficial. In businesses across America, there is safety training every month. This is so every e...

Enterprise Project Used By Management

When the reference to an enterprise project is made, it usually means a very large and complex project is the focus. Because of the extreme complexity of this size of project, a new type of program was needed. For most practical purposes, an enterprise project will occur in large companies or corporations. The main reason is that they have the necessary resources to pull together everything that is needed for a project of this size. Examples can be nuclear reactors when they were being produced, or large hydroelectric dams. As companies grew greater in size, the need for an even larger, compactly enterprise project programs were needed. No longer were these programs designed to handle just one large project. With the capability of handling multiple enterprise projects at once, the size and complexity of the programming itself grew. Developing the new enterprise project programs takes considerable time due to the vast number of additional programs needed for it to work as designed. A...

Is Governance helping you or slowing you down ?

We've worked with many organizations that have put in place some fairly mature project management processes and implemented what they call 'Governance'. While we 100% support the practice of providing a defined process around project, program and portfolio management we have detected a trend in organizations experiencing some unintended consequences of governance. Specifically, adopting a 'one size fits all' model to governance can be detrimental to the organization and to the PMO. By forcing all projects to conform to a rigid standard of controls (governance) we risk slowing down the execution of projects and overburdening them with too much process. One of the significant benefits of  MPMM  is that its highly customizable and adaptable to fit your projects needs. The PMO 'Process Police', as they are sometimes called, need to make sure that they are focused more on  business outcomes  than on governance process. Their processes should enable greater produc...

Is Governance helping you or slowing you down ?

We've worked with many organizations that have put in place some fairly mature project management processes and implemented what they call 'Governance'. While we 100% support the practice of providing a defined process around project, program and portfolio management we have detected a trend in organizations experiencing some unintended consequences of governance. Specifically, adopting a 'one size fits all' model to governance can be detrimental to the organization and to the PMO. By forcing all projects to conform to a rigid standard of controls (governance) we risk slowing down the execution of projects and overburdening them with too much process. One of the significant benefits of  MPMM  is that its highly customizable and adaptable to fit your projects needs. The PMO 'Process Police', as they are sometimes called, need to make sure that they are focused more on  business outcomes  than on governance process. Their processes should enable greater produc...