
Showing posts from April, 2012

Using a Risk Plan

By using a risk plan in an effective manner, you will be able to achieve a greater number of successful projects in a short allotment of time. To create this plan to reduce the impact of risks on your project, a project management tool called the risk management template is used more often than any other tool today. The risk plan template is a preformatted document that will assist the project manager in creating a professionally looking plan that will follow a set path for the best possible path to resolving the issues of risk impact on your project. This will begin with the listing of all the possible and unlikely risks that could impact your project over the entire lifecycle of the project. Once the list is entered in the risk plan , they can then be prioritized them according to their likelihood of impacting your project along with the damage they might inflict when the impact occurs. Deciding how to prioritize this list is where experience in the business sector will play an imp...

The PMO Checklist

When it comes time to set up your PMO , the use of an all inclusive checklist will be very beneficial. This is an internal project that will be very complex and have specific needs that have to be met for this department to operate as planned. This set up has to be complete from the start so all of the tasks that will be required of this group will be possible. The very first thing needed to be done to create the PMO department is to decide on the optimum location for it. This has to be a secure location because of the work that is to be done by the staff working in this department. It is true that the standards and regulation every business works by is public knowledge, just how they are implemented and incorporated into your projects is proprietary information. Next on the PMO checklist is to install the infrastructure that is necessary for this group of employees to do their jobs in an effective manner. Not only is the location important but so are the systems they will be using t...

A Supply Agreement is no Longer a Handshake

A supply agreement is no longer a handshake made between two businesses since most of the transactions are now done online or with the use of the phone. This is one of the many ways the global market place has impacted the business world. There are still agreements made between two parties, but it is mostly just verbal or in text format today. The use of the term supply agreement is in reference to an informal acknowledgement between two parties in what is needed by one of them with the other having the ability to provide it. This can be with supplies, raw materials or manpower. What needs to be understood, this is not generally accepted as a legal binding contract, just acknowledgement that the two sides understand the needs of the other. There is a way a supply agreement can be made into a supply contract, but not all of them produce this as an end result. The agreement must be placed in writing with both sides acknowledging its content by signing it for it to become legally bindin...

How to use Project Management Case Studies to Benefit your Organization

How to use project management case studies to benefit your organization is an important concept to know. Just like with anything that has a history, there is information and data that can be acquired so mistakes of the past can be known and prevented in the future. This alone will increase the percentage of your projects that will become successful. By studying project management case studies of the past within your own organization, you will be able to find things that went wrong. This can be in one of the 9 process a project contains or as part of the production of your deliverable. The best place to get a starting point to know when these events occurred is to ask the project manager that was in charge of them. When this is not possible, the next best option is to look at the projects that were considered failures. When looking for the failures for your project management case studies project, you need to consider the ones that failed in both not meeting the time constraints of t...

RFP Template for Consistent Results

The use of a RFP template will help your organization to have consistent results for this important document. This is one of the few documents in your project plan that will discuss money and payments to a third party. For that reason alone, no ambiguity should exist in the document. By using a RFP template , your request for proposal can be created faster and easier with more detail repeatedly. This task has to be done each time a new raw material or supplier of goods is needed for your project. By using the template you will not only save time in its construction, but you will be sending a consistent message each time it is sent out. The RFP template makes it possible to send out the same message each time you submit this to a third party vendor. If you plan to ask several different suppliers for what they can provide, how much it will cost and the time frame in which they can deliver the requested material,. This form will ensure the same message is sent to each one. When you purch...

Project Management Consultant

With all of the outsourcing being done today the project management consultant is in demand. The requirements for someone to fill this position will vary from organization to organization, but the basics will remain constant for each business sector. Because of the variety of project this consultant will encounter to be employed is great, their training and knowledge base should be greater than the average project manager that is tied to a specific company. The experience a project management consultant has acquired over their career is generally sufficient to qualify them for this type of position. What most of them do lack are the business skills to operate consultant service company. This is where training in project management consulting will be very advantageous to have. Being a project management consultant is more than just knowing how to do the tasks you are asked to perform, you must also run a business in every sense of the word. To do this you must know how to market your...

Using an RFI

By using an RFI , you will be able to obtain the necessary information to complete your current or future project plan so it can be correctly documented. The Request for Information is one of the many form letters that have to be sent out in the discovery phase of a project to collect the latest details on costs, availability and deliver times of the raw materials will be known when planning a project. One of the important qualities of a RFI is for it to be consistent. To help do this the project management template specifically designed to create a request for information letter has been created.  This template makes it possible to send out an informed message of just what your organization is in need of. This information gathering letter will follow the same pattern each time you use it because it will be generated from the same template. The advantage of using this RFI template is the requested information will be placed in the letter in the same place each time. This consistency ...

Using an Enterprise Project Program to your Advantage

By using an enterprise project program to your advantage your organization has already taken a positive step to helping this business venture to succeed. To do this the project must be in budget and delivered on time. The goals and scope of the stakeholders must also be fully met. To make sure your enterprise project meets expectations it must use a formula involving a methodology that has repeatable processes for continuously producing positive results. This is made possible by using a well constructed methodology that is based on internationally accepted standards like Prince2 and PMBOK. While this alone will not guarantee your business venture will be a success, it will improve the odds considerable in your favor. An enterprise project methodology will include the necessary project management tools for the manager to use. This will include the software for the creation of the project plan. By using a project management template program that contains all nine process involved in th...

Using a Project Plan Sample

When you have decided to be using a project plan sample in the preparation step before you next project, you are following the path of being better prepared for your business venture. This approach will give you a firm starting point to reference when going into a business venture of any nature. The use of a project plan sample is common place in today’s industrial world. For those that are also using the project management office program with its templates, it can be an even more beneficial. This is because many of the components in the sample plan can be easily adopted to the new project plan. By using the project plan sample as a base for content, it can be copied and placed into the new templates for the new business venture. This is time a management process that will help to reduce the workload and expense of developing a project plan from scratch. This is also used as a final review of the sample document where adjustments and changes can be made so the current project can ha...

Using a Project Management Training Course

The way you can be using a project management training course within your organization can make the difference in just how productive you and your project team coordinate the production of your deliverable. It is this type of training that will make available the necessary project management tools to your manager so they can be as effeicent as possible. To enroll and take a project management training course today only requires the project manager to desire this knowledge and have access to the internet. No longer is there a need to lose time at work traveling to a conference or seminar in a location other than your facility. This also saves your organization money on the travel expenses along with the loss time at work during this training. One thing that is often forgotten about when taking a project management training course is that the knowledge can be applied to real life situations before the training is completed. This type of training has many different sections that are di...