
Showing posts from November, 2011

Quality Management Process for your Project

To create a quality management process for your project, you must have the right project management tools available at your disposal. This can be done while keeping the goal of improving the deliverable that your project team is creating in focus. By using a project management template for the creation of your quality management process you will be able to set realistic quality targets for your project team to aspire to and meet during the course of the execution phase. The quality plan for this process will also explain how each of the targets will be measured so when they are attained and verified. The quality management process will also give your project team a clear path on how to take positive action so the targets can be achieved during the creation of your deliverable. When corrective action is needed, there is even a way to identify the issues and make improvements to your process so they can be used in the future. The overall reason a quality management process has to be a...

Project Management Office is the Ultimate in Organizational Tools

The project management office program is the ultimate in organizational tools for business to use today that is helping item get the competitive edge over their rivals. This organizational tool is the foundation on which all of your process and system will run. This is the foundation on which all of your organizations documents are also created. The project management office is set upon the international known standards of Prince2 and PMBOK. This allows the users of this type of organizational tool to be assured the documents and products their documents help to create will be accepted by the international business community. This type of program was created to help address the fact that nearly 90% of all projects in the business world do not met targets set forth in time, costs or quality by the business cases that guide them. To help an organization with the set up of a program on this scale is the project management office checklist. This is the document that will assist you in he...

Project Quality Management Plan

Having a project quality management plan in place is necessary to help ensure your deliverable meets the goals and scope set forth by the business case of the project. It also helps to make sure your deliverable will be accepted by the target audience so the establishment of a sound revenue stream can be made. The creation of a project quality management plan is usually done with the aid of a project management tool called a template in today’s business world. This is a preformatted document that has the best possible path for a quality plan to follow already laid out as an outline. The specification and restrictions for your project quality management plan can be easily obtained from the approved business plan of your project. For those businesses working as a third party supplier of a deliverable, this plan should also include a quality form that keeps track of the product run. This review form is part of the project quality management plan and is documented proof of just how the ...

Learning from a Project Management Case Study

By conducting a project management case study before you being your next project you will be better prepared to avoid the mistakes of the past. This will allow for your project to proceed easier and with fewer deals to a successful conclusion. The help a review of a project management case study can contribute is to assist the project manager in areas where they have a weakness or there is room for improvement. One of the most common is the proper handling of time management. This is a resource that is finite by natural and must be handled correctly the first time or it will be lost forever. By observing how the timesheets and the information they contain was handled in the past can shed some light on how to improve your procedure today. One of the processes that lead to confusion in many instances is when a change is infused in a well known process. Nearly every past project has had to deal with this issue and how it was handled can be taken for a project management case study alon...

Timesheet Tracker

The use of a timesheet tracker program will help alleviate many of the headaches a project manager might have during the execution phase of their project’s lifecycle. As all mangers are fully aware, time is the one resource that is finite by definition. Once it is gone you can never recover it so managing it properly should be a top priority. By using a program that is dedicated to only being a timesheet tracker , all of your time management can then be centralized. This allows for an easy manner of organizing this valuable resource.  To use this type of monitoring system a timesheet templates should be used by all employees. By using the templates the timesheet tracker will be able to take the data requested by the manager without any mishaps. This is due to the fact that the templates are self explanatory for the employees to use. There are areas where the exact time they spent on specific tasks is to be recorded. There are also sections to describe in detail if needed what was acc...

Quality Management Methods and Tools that help with you Achieve your Goals

The reason a project manager uses quality management methods and tools is to help them achieve their goals of leading a project to a successful conclusion. In the global market place, quality is a top propriety to not only grab your share of the target market, but to hold on to it of the long term. The most efficient way to utilize the quality management methods and tools is to actually incorporate their use in the quality management process from the beginning. This can all begin with the use of the quality management template for devising the different processes and methods needed to implement the quality plan. For each project the quality management methods and tools can be used differently. As most project managers know, the level of quality is determined by many factors. The price at which they are selling the deliverable to the market along with the cost effectiveness of increasing the quality with tighter specifications against the value it adds to the product. Included in the...

Benefits of a Management Consultant

The benefits of hiring a management consultant can be clearly seen when they add value to your processes or deliverable. This is what every consultant that is hired hopes their clients say and think about what they bring to the organization that hires them. This is the job of a management consultant , to add value to the organization that hires them. For that to be possible, they must be more than competent in the tasks they perform, they must be proficient.  The next thing they need to do is have the ability to relay this ability and possible contribution to their clients. While nearly every management consultant can bring this type of value to their clients, most are not salesmen. To be able to sell yourself without appearing to be boasting is an art form that has to be learned for them to be successful with their business and career. This is a fine line that must be balanced correctly for the maximum effectiveness to be achieved. To do this there are project management consultant ...

Handling the Change Management Risk

Handling and being aware of the change management risk is necessary to help keep the implementation of the change a positive note for your organization. The first step in this process is being aware of the possible risks that are involved with any change to your daily business routine or processes. The largest change management risk is just how your staff is going to deal with and accept the change when it is imposed upon them. Accepting change is not a natural concept that most people have instinctively. Resisting change is a natural response so dealing with this instinct in a positive way must be found by any organization desiring to implement a change. This resistance to a change even occurs when it is known the change is for the good. The best way to reduce the change management risk is thru training the staff on the specific of the change. The portion of this training that will be most effective is how specifically the change will personally effect each individual. Once this is ...

Project Management Case Studies for a Positive Direction

The use of project management case studies for sending your future projects in a positive direction is what most successful project managers do before they start a project. This is done for many reasons, but the main one is to help them avoid mistakes of the past. Most project managers already are aware that when conducting project management case studies , they should always be aware of the economic conditions in which the previous projects were restricted to. This will include many factors that might or might not still exist in the present business world. This will bring relevance to the plans they are studies and getting ideas for their use with the present project. With many project managers that have been creating and executing projects for some time will already have a large library of material for their project management case studies . This makes the research for relevant project plans easier, but this does not mean is should always be limited to it. The use of outside sources...

Know the Basics of Risk Management

By knowing the basics of risk management , you will have a chance to mitigate any risk that may impact your project. This is another example of the more knowledge you have the better chance you have at dealing with this particular kind of problem. In the basics of risk management , the very first step would be to already have a plan or process in place to deal with these unwanted variables of business. This can be easily done with a project management template that is designated for a risk plan. These are preformatted so the project manager only has to follow the outline so the data can be placed in the appropriate places. This outline is also the main points of the basics of risk management that include the identification of the risks, prioritizing them then the procedures for mitigating them in the most efficient manner. Without these three basic components in place, there is no way to positively affect the impact of the risks on your project. Because the basics of risk management a...

Business Consultant as a Profession

Being a business consultant as a profession is not for the inexperienced or a person fresh out of college. This career is created after a person has acquired the knowledge and expertise of their particular field that is in demand in the business world. The reason a business consultant is in demand by the business world is to fill a need that is not present within a particular organization. This is now common place today with most business organizations running a lean methodology approach to their staff. This constitutes the downsizing on their manpower to the point that a professional consultant will be needed from time to time. In the last couple of decades the most common type of business consultant was to help with this leaning out of the staff or downsizing. This is when the business consultants were made up of human resource professionals and project managers that knew how to make the most out of a limited supply of resources. The human resource business consultant was there to...

Change Management Model for a Path to a Better Future

The use of a change management model is recommended so you will have a known path to follow with predictable results. This is different than using a template because the there is already data in the document that can be used as a reference guide. When using the change management model , it is also advantageous to use a project management template so the components of the model can be easily transferred into the formal document you are currently creating. This allows for an easy and fast way to take what you need and change or create from new the portions that must be modified to fit your particular business model. The reason so many project managers make use of a change management model is so they can control the path of this document so the scope and goals of the project plan can be maintained thru out the implementation of any changes. This will help to keep the schedules accurate so the deliverable will be ready when it is needed. When looking over the change management model, the...

Using Management Consulting to solve Problems

There are many businesses that use management consulting firms to solve problems that have been encountered. This has always been common place in the business world, but has become more essential since the industries have leaned toward running lean when it comes to their staff. This has opened the door to more management consulting jobs in all sectors of industry. In many instances there is a greater need than there are qualified consultants to fill the positions. This is why so many management consultants are now turning to ways to improve their services and get the word out about themselves. The task of management consulting is not an easy one. Nor is attracting and convincing firms you are the solution to their problem. This is where the solution to creating a more compelling client proposal is useful. Many consultants are great in their area of expertise, but this does not always include the ability to prepare a properly constructed sales pitch or marketing offer. Another task t...

Risk Management Case Study to Help you be Prepared

The conducting of a risk management case study will help any project manager be better prepared for the impact of the unwanted risk on their project. Even the most experienced project manager will not be able to predict every type and kind of risk in the ever changing global environment. Because of the constant change, a risk management case study is recommended on projects so what has occurred in the past does not deliver a severe blow to the current projects that are underway. This is the first step in a well planned out and comprehensive approach to developing a responsible risk management policy for your project. What to look for when conducting a risk management case study is more than just what risks impacted a project, but where they originated from. Some risks are created by the way a project is funded while others have exterior factors that involve the global business environment. The risks that are created within a business are the ones the need to be eliminated so future ...

Using Management Methodologies to your Advantage

It is now possible to use multiple management methodologies to your advantage. This is with a new kind of software that helps anyone to become a methodology creator. The program that is used with management methodologies takes a new approach to helping the project manager in constructing a project plan. This allows for the project manager to import as many methodologies into a program and take the best of them all at the same time. This way if there is a section that can make the most of your facility while another is more adaptable to your workforce, you can include both of them in your new methodology. The concept of using multiple management methodologies for a project has been a pipe dream for many years. Today’s project manager can make it a reality. With this new software you can create a new one or just modify existing ones to fit your needs. This allows you to properly define a project process that makes the most of your resources. This need to be able to incorporate the bes...

Methodologies Expanding

The number of methodologies used in the business world is expanding every day. Most of them are not ground breaking approaches that will change the industrial world but more personalized to fit the needs of a particular business. Since the introduction of the computer into the daily business routine in nearly every business, the modifying of methodologies to fit the particular needs of a company has significantly become easier. With the new software that was developed solely for the purpose of developing a new methodology for a business, the perfect fit can now be created. This new programming for the creation of new methodologies allows for the creating of one from scratch. You can also import numerous methodologies and modify them into one cohesive methodology to fit your particular needs. This also allows you to save and share what you have created with others in or out of your organization. The formal documentation of methodologies is done digitally so their creations can be don...

ISO Principles of Risk Management

The ISO principles of risk management have been established to help businesses in understanding how they can deal with these in a constructive manner that is acceptable in the business community. For the first of the principles of risk management , there must be some value that will be obtainable by mitigating a known risk. If there is no added value to this interaction with the risk along with no negative effect, it can be delegated to being just an issue of little importance. In making the right decisions involving the principles of risk management within a business, it must be an integral part of the daily business routine and part of the decision making processes at every step for any procedure no matter how small it may appear to be. Of the principles of risk management that most are aware of is that any uncertainty or assumption involving your project that must be correctly addresses. This is how you will best be able to mitigate any negative impact of a risk on your project. Th...

Agile Methodology for Software Development

The agile methodology was created out of a need by the software industry to have a methodology that fit their particular needs. This all came into reality in 2001 and was available for the industry to use. While the agile methodology was a new approach that allowed the creators of software to be more independent with their work, it is not without controversy. The previous approach was the Waterfall methodology that uses a linear approach that is sequential for the creation of software to be used in the business world. The agile methodology approach takes on the creation of software thru iterative work cadences that is incremental in design. This approach takes many components from the lean methodology, Waterfall and others so it is not entirely new. What was new is the freedom the project team members had whole the project was in its execution phase. The term execution phase is from the project lifecycle methodology that has its principles in nearly every other methodology being use...