
Showing posts from June, 2011

The Project Charter sets the Path of your Project

The project charter is used to set in writing the path, vision, scope and objectives of your project so it is clearly stated and understood by all involved. This is important to establish so all the supporting documents can then be created so the stated goals can then be achieved. For some this document is also called the Term of Reference because it is where all the reference information for the project is to be located. To create a project charter most project managers are now using a project management template to assist them. This is a preformatted document that has a known successful path to follow so your document will have all the pertinent information that is required of it. By following this known path to success, those needed the information it contains will be able to find it quickly and easily. While a good project charter does not guarantee a successful project, without one that is properly created, your project will not be able to achieve success. This is why so many p...

Project Management Methodology is more than just Theory Anymore

The use of a project management methodology as a business tool is more that just how your project should theoretically follow. Today the methodologies used actually are incorporated into the modern project plans. To help make this a real functioning advantage, the modification and creating of new methodologies is becoming more common place. To create your own project management methodology , the use of the new methodology software is necessary. This permits previously created ones to be imported so parts of them can be placed directly into the one you are creating. This allows for the actual part of the procedures that fit your facility and application to be utilized to their fullest potential. This also opens the door so new a project management methodology can be created with new procedures that can be created just for your application. No longer do you have to use an existing methodology and fit its requirements. This allows for a better use of resources and controls your process ...

Terms of Reference is a Formal Document

It is a fact that the terms of reference is a very important formal document that is the foundation on which your project will be established. When creating this document, many project managers use a project charter template so all of the important information will be included and in the correct order. The terms of reference is where the scope of a project is first documented. This is the place that the rest of the project plans use as a reference on just what path the project is to follow during the course of its project lifecycle. This is also the document where all of the parameters of the deliverable will be clearly stated so the project can meet its goals as set forth by the stakeholders. The project charter templates assist the project manager in creating the terms of reference by providing a preformatted document that has the correct structure this type of document should follow. This includes the clear identification of the project’s vision and all of its objectives. Other i...

Six Sigma Methodology has improved the Business World

The whole purpose behind the six sigma methodology approach to business is too constantly make improves on the different processes and procedures that are involved in your business. This can be in daily operations but has the greatest application in the manufacture areas. The initial creation of the six sigma methodology was to help an American company become more competitive with their Japanese counterparts. By removing and eliminating errors where they existed in a process along with making constant improvements, the end goal of having an improved product would be the results in theory. The aim was to use statistical analysis to record and register the productively of a procedure and improvements could be properly documented. The six sigma methodology uses the number 6 as the deciding number for allowable defects from the mean of production. When calculated out this methodology only permits for there to be 3.4 errors for every million deliverables that are produced. The logic behi...

Free Project Management Programs are Always Welcome

The offer of free project management programs is always a welcome sight to a business manager. This allows them a chance to look at and use a new type of business system that could be used as a useful business management tool. The leading reason a company will offer free project management programs is so other business will look at and use it to see if it will improve their efficiency of their daily business activities. This is one of the best ways to advertise a new and improved product that can be successful implemented into the business world. What should also be understood is that the free project management program is not a complete program, but just a portion of the full system. No business can offer their goods or services for free entirely and stay in business. The free portion will be enough for the users to see the advantages of using it. It will also expose how easy the programming can be used by the users. The using of the free project management programs that are user f...

Project Development Methodology

The use of a new project development methodology was something most business steered away form in the past. This was because of the difficulty in the creating of a new methodology and documenting it. That has all changed now for the positive. The latest project development methodology programming can help a business import the methodologies that have components that are applicable to their facility and help them create a totally new one. This allows for a business to make their processes more efficient along with a reduction in costs when creating and executing a project. By using the project development methodology program, you can include the elements that are of most benefit to your projects while eliminating the unnecessary ones. This streamlining will help you to reduce the costs of running a project which in turn will help to maximize the profit potential of your new deliverables. This new approach to program development methodology is new to the business world. Most in the ma...

A Project Guide is a useful l Project Management Tool

The use of a project guide as a management tool is advantageous for both the experienced and new project manager. This is a source of reference that not only describes in detail the best known path to planning a successful project but make its creation takes less time. The right project guide to follow would take into consideration the current market conditions along with the global economic conditions. This is important factors since they will have a definite influence on many of the variables that will used in the decision making process of the project. A past project guide would have some useful information on the basic structure of formulating a project. Unfortunately most of them were written before the computer age had a heavy influence in the business community. Today the uses of project management templates are the fastest and easiest path to starting the documentation process in the creation of a project plan. Another area that has changed and must be reflected in your pro...

A Modern Project Solution

A modern project solution is what is necessary for today’s businesses when confronted with an issue or risk that is impacting their projects progression. Today the hiring of more staff or the purchase of insurance to cover the impact of a risk still occur, but the complexity of most problems requires a better solution. Today a project solution for the problem that has arisen is generally found using modern technology. This can be as simple as placing your network with access to the internet so your staff can work from remote stations. A more complex problem might require the project solution to involve the hiring of a business consultant that specializes the area where then problem has developed. This bringing in of temporary staff is now very common place in the modern manufacturing world. This avoids the added expenses that permanent staff add to the budget while still solving the problem at hand. If you are in need of a project solution for a potential impact of a risk that could...

Modern Project Management Tools

The modern project management tools have come a long way for the days of a slide rule. Today the most used tools are digital and are on a computer. These are designed to help the project manager create, document and implement project plans in the most efficient manner possible. There are numerous different project management tools that are used at all levels and phases of a projects lifecycle. The one that is used first is the project management templates. This is a digitized set of documents that are used in the creation of all the required procedures that will be involved in a modern project. The templates are the project management tools that create not only the different procedures, but also the forms and required inquiries to their party vendors so the most accurate data can be obtained on the resources that will be needed for the project. This includes the Request for Information and Request for Proposal forms. During the execution stage of the project plan, the project manage...

Enterprise Project Program is taking the Complexity out of a Project

The use of enterprise project programs has been to help deal with the complexity and complicated structure of large scale operations. Many in the vertical industries think this is an exclusive feature of their business sector, but it is proving to be a fallacy. In most cases the enterprise project program does offer greater variables to the project manager in terms of size and detail, but this can be debatable to those in other industries. No longer is this an exclusive term or program for large governmental contracts. The term enterprise project program can now be applied to the manufacture sector in greater numbers because of the ever expansion of the global market place. This does occur when a new product become available to the market in which there is only one supplier. When the demand grows exponentially for a product, so does the need to larger manufacture plants and coordination with their party vendors. The enterprise project programs allow for this and can help make the tra...

Using an Example Feasibility Study to Expedite Work

The use of an example feasibility study to help expedite the creation of a new feasibility study is a common practice in the business world of today. This is due to the fact that this type of document has common applications over a broad range of items that can be used. Some of the commonalities that a good example feasibility study can be used from past studies will be the target audience, what their preferences were and the price they were willing to pay for their deliverable. This will give a project manager a good starting point to begin their own feasibility study. The reason an example feasibility study is used along with a feasibility study template is to progress the advancement of this formal document along as quickly as possible without compromising the integrity of the document. Speed is an essential part of the business world today with the global market place and all the competitors that are invoiced with it. Other useful information that can be taken from an example fe...

Good Project Management Courses are available Online

The number of project management courses that are accessible thru the internet is growing. This is because this is the medium of choice for acquiring the necessary data and information by the current business world. By offing project management courses over the internet, a company can reach a larger audience than ever before. The ways of learning by seminars is still being done, but is fading quickly because of accessibility and costs. The modern business world is running lean to stay competitive, but the acquisition of knowledge that is on the cutting edge has never been in a greater demand. This is why so many producers of the project management courses have made their material available thru this ever expanding medium. The advantages of the online project management courses is they are open 24/7 so the attendees can choose the time and place of absorbing the knowledge that best suits them and their hectic schedule. The pace at which they learn the material is also left up to the...

The modern Life Cycle Methodology

The modern Life Cycle methodology is the latest and most complete approach to a project and its development from its inception to a successful conclusion that has yet to be invented. The name itself is a true description of just what is covered within this program. In all projects that follow the life cycle methodology there are four distinct phases that a project will go thru. These are the initiation, planning, execution and closure phases. Each one is categorized like this because of the different functions of the processes that are preformed in each one. They are all unique and necessary for your project to conclude successfully with a deliverable that can be beneficial you’re your company. In the initiation phase of the life cycle methodology , the foundation for the entire project is laid out and then approved by the stake holders of the project. No matter how great the idea or business opportunity is, without this phase being concluded properly, the rest of the project will ha...

The Purpose of a Project Feasibility Study

The purpose behind a project feasibility study is to know the different variables involved with your business venture and how it will be accepted on the open market along with who will be the target audience. In a projects lifecycle, the project feasibility study is the second document that is created following the business case. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that will make the business opportunity that was presented in the business case a success. Included in the project feasibility study will be the exploration of the main focus of the business opportunity along with the alternative paths it could follow. By collecting this data, management can then make an informed decision on which path should be pursued in order to create the most profitable revenue stream for the company. To get a project feasibility study started, the use of a feasibility study template is the most efficient means to progressing this document so a final draft can then be implemented. T...

Project Manager Training so you are Prepared

The reason for project manager training is so you are prepared to compete on a global scale in the manufacturing world of today. The better prepared your staff is on the latest innovations and current procedures that are in use in the market place, the increased chance of implementing them in the most effective way in your manufacturing processes. Luckily today the project manager training courses are available online. This reduces the cost of acquiring this necessary information and increases the absorption of the material. The online courses can be taken by those that are currently project managers and other members of the team that aspire to become one. This is the most cost effective way of determining who within your organization can excel at this challenging position. The availability of the project manager training courses is 24/7 since all the lessons are already loaded on the training servers. The providers of these course are mostly software manufacturers that have created...

Business Case Analysis for a Better Investment

A business case analysis is used to help a company make a more informed decision on an investment. This is important to be done correctly because so much is riding on the outcome of what the opportunity the business case is proposing. One can expect a business case analysis to occur with each proposal that is submitted for approval. This is required since we do not live in a perfect world where everything just automatically falls into place correctly because we wish it to. For this reason many project managers use the business case template to create their proposal. By using one of the project management templates in preparation for a business case analysis , the writer knows they have a few things going for them. The first thing in their favor is that the templates have been created to follow a known and successful path for the creation of this document. This allows for it to flow in a path that will answer all possible questions any reviewer might have. The purpose of a business ca...

The Purpose of a Project Management Office Program

The purpose of a project management office program is to provide a company with a software program that can use its organizational abilities to their benefit. The program itself is used by a designated group within your organization to retrieve all the current standards and implement them into your business processes. The main standards that are used by the project management office group are currently the Prince2 and PMBOK along with ISO9000 for certain markets. The exact standards you need to follow are guided by the markets you are selling your services or deliverables in and their requirements. Because the market place has grown to a global scale the project management office group is also required to obtain, analyze and follow the different governmental regulations that need to be adhered to. This is a great challenge since nearly every country and sometime regions within a country can have different requirements and regulations that must be followed. Fortunately there are many...

Why use Business Case Templates

The reason so many people are using business case templates are to help get a jump start on the creation of this very important document. This is the formal document that sets the foundation for your entire project and must be conceived correctly. When using the business case templates you can explore the possibilities of the business opportunity before you in great detail. This will allow the reviewers of this document to have all the facts and figures they need to make an informed decision on whether to financially back your proposal. In the business case templates, there are places for more than just one path for your project to follow. This permits an alternative path for the project to follow if it is preferred by the reviewers. In most instances the writer of the business case already knows which path is best, but they do not make the final decisions. For this reason not only are alternative paths discussed, but the information about them should be included in the same detail a...

Project Management Case Studies are used for Success

The use of project management case studies is to collect as much information on a particular topic so an informed decision on whether to proceed with the current project being considered should be done. This is considerable easier said than done in most instances. One of the main reasons a project manager will undertake the arduous process of doing project management case studies is to gather sufficient data on just what economic conditions the previous projects thrived on. They will also be looking into the availability of the raw material that was used in the projects including the labor force. When project management case studies are undertaken, every process that is involved in each of the cases need to be examined for current relevant to the project, economy and market conditions that your project will be interacting with. This will provide you with the clearest possible picture of what you can expect during the progression of your project thru its lifecycle. One of the process...