
Showing posts from April, 2011

A Sample Communications Plan

The use of a  sample communications plan to use as a guide when needing to create one for your business is a common practice. This practice is to see what has worked in the past along with what can still be applied for your particular situation. Not every  sample communications plan from the past can be used in its entirety today because of the constant flux this type of system is in when referring to the technological advances taking place. A plan that is 10 years old is so out dated that only the form and basic formatting of the document can be used. A  sample communications plan that includes collaboration software as a means of transmitting data from satellite locations is one example that would be hard to find. The incorporation into your plan on who will have access to this sophisticated program, that will usually be maintained by an online server has to be defined. The level of access will also have to be clarified to include read only, input and then administrative duties. O...

Management Consulting Firms used for a Competitive Edge

The use of management consulting firms has grown significantly in the past couple of decades. At first they were mainly used to trim the waste from large corporations so they could run more efficient operations. This had many cost savings advantages even with the high price of these firms. The next evolution of the management consulting firms evolved into doing the dirty work the management of a company either did not have the heart to or just did not want to bother with. This was the downsizing of personnel to reduce costs in the lean economic times the world faced. These firms could make judgment calls on the staff without any prejudice to friendship or loyalty because they were outsiders with no emotional attachment to anyone they were giving a pink slip to. This opened the door for many of the unemployed to advertise their services from years of experience on the open market as consultants in their area of expertise. They now hire out their services to the highest bidder. The main...

A Project Plan Template

A  project plan template is one of the project management tools that are available to your manager to help them perform their duties to the highest possible efficiency level. This is a tool that, when used correctly, can help to reduce the time that is involved in planning a project in the most efficient manner, so the maximum amount of revenue can be generated from the smallest amount of capital investment. The exact nature of what a  project plan template can do for you is to help identify the different phases of a project’s activities, and tasks that need to be planned out in detail. This will allow the manager to be fully aware of the effort and revenue that each task will take for it to be accomplished correctly. The  project plan template will also make it clear what the interdependencies of the numerous tasks will be, so a plan of action can be devised to make sure they are done in the most efficient order. This will help the manager make certain assumptions about the project...

Project Management Methodologies for your Applications

There are many different project management met hodologies in the business world. While one that fits your needs and resources might not be a perfect fit, you can get rather close. When this is not an acceptable business move, then your business needs to move to the next level and develop your own project methodology. With the right software it is now possible to take many project management methodologies and formulate them into one that fits your particular needs. This will allow you to maximize your resources and lower your overall costs of running a project. This software is now available for those that need this type of application. By taking the parts of the many project management methodologies you know are close and placing them into a working model, you can custom make your own methodology. There is no one better than you who know what you need with your equipment and resources. My creating your own methodology from the many that are in use today in the business world, you ca...

The Statement of Work Template

The purpose of a  statement of work template is to correctly create a formal document that will be used to relay data and information to a third party vendor, on the exact needs and nature of those needs your business is requesting. For a business, the use of the  statement of work template will be necessary repeatedly, since no two projects are exactly alike in nature or scope. Each one will have a different purpose and requirements that will need to be filled. The  statement of work template is like the other management tools that a project leader will use to make their process more efficient, which will save time and money. The template is not a standalone tool, but comes with many examples that can help guide a new manager through the process of creating this formal document. These real life and practical examples will help the manager decide on what is applicable in their particular situation. The point the statement of work template is attempting to get across to the supplier ...

Agile Methodology is for the Software Industry

The agile methodology is the very first methodology that places people before the product. It is formulated to take advantage of how people in the software industry work and think in the efficient manner. The bases for this approach to developing a project are a combination of intuitive thinking along with incremental development of the project. The agile methodology came into existence officially in 2001 when the need was noticed and finally recognized that the software industry was dramatically different than any other product made by man before in history. This was in part due to the fact that this type of product was to exist in only the cyber world and not the physical world. The agile methodology is the perfect approach for those that develop software since it gives them the freedom to explore the possibilities need to solve the complex problems that they are asked to complete. This type of work can be done at a company facility, but most business allow for their creative minds...

The Request for Proposal

With a  request for proposal , a business is sending the message they have the intent to spend money for the requested material to the recipients of this document. This does not mean that the material is going to be purchased, but is likely to be purchased if the price, quantity and delivery time is agreeable. The  request for proposal is a formal document that is sent out in the early stages of a project while it is being planned. An acceptable response must be received by the sending business in order to proceed with the planning stage that involves this material or equipment. The formatting of a  request for proposal should be easy to read and understand by both parties so the line of communication is set in place for a successful transaction to occur if all the conditions are agreeable. This does not always occur, but usually there is some informal communication between the two parties that are discussed to make this procedure a formality. If more than one party gives a positive ...

Software Development Methodology that is Efficient

The reason software development methodology is conducted differently is due to the type of workers that make up the project team and the type of project that is kind of development actually is. Unlike most other projects that have team members completing tasks in the physical world, most software development is done in the cyber world. Thus a different set of parameters being from a different kind of world needed a new approach. This new software development methodology approach became recognized as a real business methodology nearly 10 years ago when the Agile conference was first conducted. Since that early recognition, an Agile conference is now being conducted each year. In 2010 the conference had over 1400 attendees with 175 well known speakers giving presentations on their personal view on the development of the Agile movement. Each year the software development methodology of Agile is discussed in detail to help those attending the conference the latest on this business method...

The Risk Plan

The  risk plan created by the management of a business is created to help avoid unnecessary delays in a project and, or any monetary lose that could occur if a risk impacts the project. The unfortunate fact about risks in the business world is that not every possible risk can be predicted or its impact potential measured before hand with your project or business. This is why a  risk plan has to be in place if any unforeseen risk presents danger to your business. This will give your business an immediate path to follow that could mitigate som,e if not all of the potential damage that could occur. The  risk plan should also be used to identify all known risks that pose a threat to your business. With this plan once the risks are indentified and their impact potential graded, a mitigation procedure can be devised to limit their damage to your project or business. The mitigation part of the risk plan can be as simple as the purchase of insurance to offset the costs the risk will have on...

The Right Project Solution

When you are looking for the right project solution , you have encountered a problem that needs resolving. To save on time and for a more efficient use of manpower, the best solutions should be easily accessible. This is the best result, but it does not always occur. To help give you an advantage when you are in need of a project solution , being prepared will give you the best chance at minimizing the impact on your project. This advantage is now available when you are using one of the latest project management office programs. There are numerous solutions at your fingertips whether you know it or not. The reason a project solution is so easy to locate with one of this programs is the way they are designed. They were created to be the most helpful tools a manager can have in the planning, monitoring and executing of a project. The reason so many project solutions are built into the project management programs is because they are used to help design the backbone of the program themsel...

My Job Description

The  job description of a project manager is an all inclusive list of responsibilities that can be miswritten. This is the reason the template for this sometimes-necessary document has been created. The template for this  job description , or any other specific job, can be found in a project management template program. These templates have shown to be extremely handy when a change in the project team is needed. As with any change, there is a level of being uncomfortable because it is not the normal business routine. This disruption can lead to mistakes and confusion. The use of a  job description template can ease this transitional period by providing a starting point that has all the basic ingredients of what is required of an applicant. By having the target roles and responsibilities already laid out, the speed and accuracy of creating such a document is increased and the job posting can then be accomplished faster. The job description should include the real purpose of the role t...

Enterprise Project Methodology Plan

The term enterprise project is a typical reference to a large scale plan that is to be undertaken by many subcontractors. While the initial design and formulation of the project plan itself is from the base contractor, there are many different firms involved to successfully complete a project of this magnitude. The reason a enterprise project software program is used by a company is to help them meet the deadlines of the project in the most efficient manner possible. This gives them the best chance of having a successful project. The use of an enterprise project process ensures the manager that they are following a known path that has resulted in success in the past. When dealing with large scale projects, the need to follow this type of known plan is important. They small details that could trigger a delay or bottle neck have already been identified with solutions provided if they occur. By using the enterprise project plan, the manager will also be able produce a deliverable faste...

The Purchase Order Forms

The creation of  purchase order forms used to be done exclusively by printing companies. This was the standard practice before the use of the internet and electronic transactions took over for the acquisition of goods and services in the business world. This still exists for some businesses, especially those that use local sources for goods and services, but is being phased out along with the use of snail mail. Nearly every kind of business transaction that was completed by manually inputting on forms is being converted to electronic forms, including the  purchase order forms . To help the project manager accomplish this in the easiest and most efficient manner is one of the project management templates specifically designed for the purchase order form. The template that can create the  purchase order forms has to be specially designed to fit the particular needs of this document. Unlike most other documents that a business uses, these have to be numbered properly, with the next one ...

Project Management Courses are Solutions

The project management courses that are currently available online allow for anyone wishing this knowledge to be able to attain it. This is more than just how to use a project management office program, it entail the theory behind the purpose for the different process needed to manage a business at this advance level. The need for project management courses is real in the present business environment. The market place has gone global with all the complexity that accompanies that scale of competitiveness. A solution for many of the business obstacles are solved in many different regions of the world. To obtain all of this knowledge in one place, an advanced course is necessary. The businesses that collect all of the data on the different process around the world are the same one building the software programs to help project manager’s deal with this complex environment. This is why most of the programmers are now offering project management co urses online to help their clients meet t...

With Project Planning in Teams

When  project planning in teams is the approach that is taken, the positive possibilities are increased in the speed and accuracy of the process. This approach has been done for many years, but the project management tools that are available today give the team members more flexibility in doing their job. One of the best tools that are currently being used by  project planning in teams is the online collaboration programs. This permits the team members to access the program from any computer terminal in the world. With the appropriate access settings for each team member, the manager will have complete control over their project but will still be giving the team members the ability to contribute their portion of the work load. The  project planning in teams will be able to share ideas instantly with VoIP contact when needed and the transmitting of data files when appropriate. This is what the digital age has brought to the business world. This approach permits the best qualified per...