
Showing posts from March, 2011

Risk Management Solutions

There are many different  risk management solutions that are applicable in the business world with varying results. The best possible results would be the total mitigation of the risks away for your project. To have a chance at accomplishing this as a goal, a proper and functioning risk management plan has to be in place. The first step in finding  risk management solutions is to be aware of the risks that could impact your business or project. This is accomplished by following the risk management plan that guides the managers, step by step, in this stage of the resolution of the risk. The different types of  risk management solutions that are available to a manager are dependent on the business climate they are working in, along with the available revenue at their disposal. When there is no other possible solution, managers with the appropriate amount of revenue at their disposal can purchase insurance to cover the possible financial loss of a risk impacting their project. While th...

Project Office Checklist

The new project office checklist is designed to help make the installation and use of your project management office system faster, easier and more efficient. This has a list of equipment, the standards that need to be followed, the roles of the team members and their responsibilities and a list of all the process that need to be completed for the project management office program to be put in place and function as designed. The function of the project office checklist is designed to help the right location for your team to be located within your organization. There is another section that helps you know what infrastructure is necessary to make full use of the abilities of the project management office program. Unless this is in place on time, the system many not function or could have a limited capacity to what it is intended to do. Having a project office checklist in front of you when locating and procuring the correct hardware the first time will make the installation process go...

The Organizational Change Management

When an  organizational change management process is required, a manager and the upper management need to have a well constructed plan in place to make the transition a smooth one. This is accomplished with planning for the future with business processes in place that are not necessarily needed at the time of their creation. The reason  organizational change management plan should be done before it is needed is so the process of its creation is not rushed or hampered by any time restraint. There needs to be sufficient time and thought to just what would be the best approach to bringing change to your organization that would disrupt the daily business routine in the smallest degree. To bring the documentation of an  organizational change management plan, the use of guides and examples is the path most often used. Seeing what others have done before and how it is applicable to your organization is always helpful. To assist in this process, the creators of the project management templa...

Life Cycle Methodology Has a Beginning and an End

The life cycle methodology has a structured beginning which contributes to the ending being successful. This is like any other methodology used in the business world. What makes them different is the path they take between these two critical points. While each phase of the life cycle methodology is important, the initiation phase has a great deal of responsibility on its shoulders. This is the starting foundation on which the rest of the project will be built upon. By beginning with a project management software program that is built around the lifecycle methodology, a known path will be taken. This path has proven itself in the past to produce positive results for numerous businesses. A good deal of this responsibility in the initiation stage of the life cycle methodology is that of the stakeholders. They are the ones that approve the goals and the scope of the project. They are also the ones that evaluate the feasibility study and make the go-ahead decision on the project and its ...

Quality Management Systems

With the presence of  quality management systems within a business, the reputation and longevity of the company can be maintained. This is the main purpose of setting a quality level for the deliverables that are being produced, to create the revenue streams that will keep the company afloat. This does not always mean the highest quality, just a stated quality that is consistent. The  quality management systems are plural because there are two distinctive divisions in the sector of a business. There is the Quality Control (QC) department and the Quality Assurance (QA) department. Each one has specific duties to make the overall design of the quality plan to function correctly and efficiently. The QC portion of the  quality management systems is the hands on applications of the quality plan itself. This is a team of individuals that will physically check the quality of the deliverables with the many different methods and processes at their disposal. This is the action side of the qua...

The Need for Project Management Methodology

The need for an effective project management methodology in the business world has become evident with the expansion of the market place going global. By deciding on and following a single project management methodology , your entire project team will know the path they will proceed with during the progression of the project from its initiation to its end. It is like getting the entire team on the same mind set so a commonality of thinking can be taken with their approach to work and with any problems they encounter, should any come up. A good example to use for the benefit of using a single project management methodology for your project would be the lean methodology approach to manufacturing. This methodology has reduced all the processes that are involved down to the basics. If a process does not add to the value of the deliverable, then it is eliminated from the project. This approach allows for all waste to be removed, maximizing the profit potential of the project. The modern p...

The Project Management Template

When a manager uses a  project management template , they are using one of the most efficient project management tools available to them in the completion of their task of creating a functioning and useful project plan. This type of tool is incredibly detailed, so the small items that make the difference in the way a project plan is constructed will be included for the most efficient plan possible. The variations of projects that can be planned with a  project management template can meet the needs of both small and large projects. This is designed into the software on purpose to give it more flexibility for a greater amount of applications. This allows the manager more opportunity to use this tool in the job. The  project management template should be constructed around the worldwide standards for it to fit its intended purpose of being used by a company. This allows for the business to expand into the many markets around the world with a product that is acceptable by the receiving ...

Project Management Office use in Business

The use of the project management office program in the business world has been expanding ever since it was first introduced years ago. As time has progressed, so has the quality of these programs. Today the better ones that are of the most use are built on the industrial standards of PRINCE2 and PMBOK. What a project management office program brings to a business is an organized path in helping the business run more efficiently. It does this by providing the necessary tools to plan, undertake and compete the necessary tasks involved in running a business. Once you have decided to infuse a project management office program into your business, the next step is to decide where is should be located and who will be the team members. This will then help you with the setup and training schedules that will need to be accomplished to implement this type of program into your system. The infusion of a project management office program into your established system must also be thought about. T...

A Project Lifecycle

The use of a  project lifecycle is more than just a methodology that is used to guide a project through its lifespan, but a complete way of conducting the business processes involved within a project for a positive outcome. This project life cycle has four main components to it that cover all the necessities of the project. Like with all things, the  project lifecycle has a beginning which is identified as the initiation phase of the project. This is where the preparatory processes are conducted to help make sure this is a viable business opportunity that should be translated into action. The different processes that must be done at this stage of a  project lifecycle include the actual creation of the idea behind the deliverable. Then, there must be a feasibility study to help make sure there is demand in the market place for such an item. In the feasibility study, many different target audiences must be investigated so the widest possible spread of possible revenue streams can be e...

Looking for Project Management Case Studies

When you are looking for project management case studies , most managers search the company archives sections for relevant examples. This is the place they know there are examples of previous projects that have been executed under the same or similar restraints that are currently being applied to them and their project. When the search of the company archives for relevant project management case studies does not locate the necessary data a manger currently needs, an outside source is needed. This is when the real search begins. Most companies that would have useful case studies to observe are also the competition. They would be reluctant to share what they have done in the past, if they would share it at all. For this reason another place is needed to be looked into. One of the easiest places that has the largest selection of project management case studies are the many software companies that are producing programs that are used to create project plans. They have used real life proj...

A Sample Business Case

A  sample business case is the best resource a project manager can use in helping them devise a new presentation for a business opportunity they need to present to a group of stakeholders. The sources for this sample can be from many different places, but always keep in mind of what has been sponsored by this group of stakeholders in the past, and their perception of a good business opportunity. The format of the  sample business case does not always have to be used for your presentation. The sample is a good place to start, but never limit or restrict yourself when it is not necessary. For most practical purposes like saving time and including the necessary content in the correct order, the use of a project management template for the creation process of your formal document is advised. To get a different perspective, more than one  sample business case should be reviewed. This can give the manager the best chance at gaining approval for their idea. By reviewing several different p...

A Computer Consultant

The qualifications of a computer consultant you will find on the market place will vary greatly. Many have been to school to learn this trade on the manipulation of software for the benefits of their clients. In the early days of the integration of computers in the work place, there was generally a computer consultant already employed by the company that would assist the other employees with their problems. This person was generally only designated as the computer expert. Many of these employees that were hired to do other tasks but found their job description expanded knew many things about a computer.  Many of the problems would be as simple as ejecting a disk from the A drive so the computer would start up properly. Today, most workers that use computers actually have been on them for years now. The simple problem solver is no longer in such a high demand. This is why a professional computer consultant with an advanced degree is now needed. The manipulation of software or determi...

The Feasibility Study Report

For a  feasibility study report to be compiled, the specifications, goals and scope of the project must be first taken for the business case that has already won approval by the stakeholders of the business venture. The only purpose of this type of document is to confirm the expectations of the stakeholders that this project will be a viable revenue source once it is completed. To conduct a proper  feasibility study report , many assumptions must first be made, then confirmed or debunked for this to be a productive study. To create this type of document, a guide should be used so the correct approach and order of things can be done in the correct sequence of events. For many, the creation of a  feasibility study report is done with the aid of a project management template program. This will set down the path for the completion of this all-important document so all of the variables can be explored and defined. This has to include all possible target audiences, no matter how small or d...

The Digital Project Process

The project process is a component of business that involves resources, labor and time of a business. The different types of a project process that will be undertaken by a business are dependent on the desired outcome and responsibilities of the manager of that specific process. In most cases all the process of a project are under the control and management of the project manager. A specific project process will involve a specific sector and focus so what has to be accomplished will be done correctly. There are numerous different types of processes that make up a project. This will include communications, issues and risk management, quality, cost and time. Every one of these processes needs to have a plan devised in advance before a project can proceed to its execution phase of its lifecycle. For the creation of a specific project process, most project managers find it very useful and time efficient to use a project management template program. This is a digital program that can hel...

The Project Management Tools

The availability and number of  project management tools that are accessible by the current project managers have been greatly increased in recent years. This is due to the incorporation of computers into tasks that used to be done manually. To be classified as  project management tools , a process or concept must be capable of assisting the manager in completing one of their many tasks that are involved in creating, running or monitoring a project. This can be in the physical form like a computer, or in the digital format as with the numerous software programs that are designed for specific functions. One of the first  project management tools that a manager will reach for and utilize in the creation of a project is the project management templates. This program is essential to speeding up the creation of all the required documentation and forms that will be necessary for a project to be started and recorded so reports can be made, along with the permanent record of what was down an...

Business Management Methodologies

In the business world, management methodologies are the approach used to navigate and control the production and outcome of producing a deliverable. While there are generic methodologies that can be followed, most businesses can make better use of a methodology that is made specific for their needs and resources. For the creation of a custom made methodology, the deployment of a project management methodologies program is needed. This type of software program can help guide a project manager thru the process of creating a new methodology. This can be done by scratch, but in most cases the importation of existing methodologies is the first step. The reason for modifying existing management methodologies is so a new project process can be clearly defined with what is available at your facility. This documentation is a necessary process so it can not only be followed at the present time, but kept as a permanent record for future reference. The software designed for the modifying of man...

Online Project Management Training

With the expansion in use of the internet, online project management training is now the most efficient means for your personnel to acquire the necessary skills they need to perform their required tasks. The online project management training courses are now available 24/7 for the convenience of the trainees. This allows for your team members to log in when they have the time available. No longer do you have to allocate the funds to send them to a seminar miles away. The time it takes to travel and the overnights stay not only are added to your budget expenses, but the lost time itself can become critically lost time in your effort to remain competitive. You can set up a room at your business to allow your entire team or just part of them to take the course all at once during working hours. This will be beneficial to permit discussions on topics that concern your business and its mode of operations. The online project management training can also be done on the off hours of your tea...

A Project Book

The use of a  project book as an assistant in the creation of a new and useful project is widely used in the manufacturing industry today. This type of book is a valuable resource that can help a manager. It can serve as a guide or just a resource for ideas to assist managers with their projects. In many instances, the  project book from a variety of sources is offered free of charge to anyone who wishes to possess it. This type of book is also referred to as a project management book because it is designed for the manager of projects in the business world. The exact way it is used is different, depending on the needs and abilities of the end user. The creators of a  project book can be from many different backgrounds. The background of the authors will dictate how useful their book is and in what sector of business their advice can be applied. Some sectors need specific details and knowledge; there are others that are more general. Just because their scope is general does not mean ...

Development Methodology for your Project

With the use of a common development methodology , all team members can be using the same approach in each step of a projects lifecycle. This is important so the goals and scope of the project are all the same and adhered to. A project development methodology describes what tasks need to be completed and how they are to be done during the execution phase of the project by the team members. The plans which they are following were created in the planning stage of the life cycle that follows this same approach so the desired result will be produced. The reason the project mangers prefer to follow a known development methodology , is so they can always have control in which direction the project is progressing. This is all made possible by utilizing a project management methodology that contains over 1500 tasks, charts tables and examples to assist and guide the project manager thru the complex stages of producing a deliverable. One of the things you need to look for when deciding on any ...