Kick Start your Career with Project Templates
If you want to kick-start your career, then read this newsletter... How to Kick Start your Career If you’ve started the New Year and you’d like to kick start your career, then here’s how to do it... 1: Review where you’re at Start out by writing down what you wanted out of your career when you started. What did you want to achieve and by when? When look at your progress to date and what you have achieved, are you on track? If you’re not, then where should you be right now? Also, think about what you’re doing now and the parts of the job that you enjoy and don’t enjoy. Then work out what you’d like to change. 2. Set a goal, but only one! You now need to set a 3 year goal. Set only one goal, otherwise it will be too hard to remember down the track. Make the goal something that you be proud to have achieved and something that means a lot to you. Make the goal simple to understand, yet challenging to achieve. And where possible, make it measurable—not subjective. For instance, it might be:...