MPMM project management software Brand Manager
If you are a reseller, master reseller, distributor or even an MPMM customer, then you will often want to add your own brand to the product. By "brand", we mean the logo, page headers, footers, and start-up splash screen graphic. You will also want to add your own corporate colors, document layouts and formats – so that the methodology perfectly matches your corporate brand. To enable you to do this, we are creating the MPMM Brand Manager. It will be a plug-in that you can purchase to enable you to completely customize the MPMM product so that it looks and feels like it is your own. After all, you will be uploading your own internal project management life cycle processes, methodologies and templates into the project management software to become your project management knowledge repository – so why not customize it so that it fits in perfectly with your corporate environment. This feature will be released before the end of 2007. The MPMM Support Team